Chapter 6: The First Night

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Hi all, here the update ... happy reading 🙏🏻


"How long you have been dating your baby, Jingyu? Where did you meet her?", Weizhou asked.

"Hhhmmm .... we're dating for about 4 years, we met at a fashion show because we're both models from high school, how about you? You have a girlfriend, Zhou?"

"Yes, I have. And what a surprise is we have something in common, I and my girlfriend have been dating for almost 4 years and we're just starting out with friendship (hangout friend you called us like that), and now she's just starting to get into the model world. And about me, even not as professional as you are, I used to be a model too, even though it is only a model for a small fashion show, you can call "fake model", its ok, I also work a part-time job as cosplay, waiter, SPM (sales promotion male) etc. The money I got from my part-time work enough for my pocket money. I will spend it for a snack or buy whatever I want to eat, hehe "

"Wait a minute, that black car is yours, right? Or do you just rent it?".

"Yes, It's mine, It's my 18th birthday gift from my parents".

"Your parents gave you an expensive gift at your 18th birthday???", asked Jingyu amazed.

Weizhou just nodded innocently.

"That means your parents, very rich people, right?".

"Hhhmmm .... you can say like that".

"I do not come from a rich family. My hometown is Dandong. I go to Shanghai without any money in my pocket, only my reckless faith brought me here. I also work the uncertain job as a bartender, waiter, etc. To buy this ring, I need to save money first. I need to be wise using the money that I was earned. It's because I take my own responsibility for all the expenses of my life. So, I need to be able and be careful (think smart) to choose what is important and which is more important for me to spend my money. And you, with such rich parents, why are you still working part-time jobs like that? You just can easily ask money from your parents ", asked Jingyu.

"They give me the apartment and the car as a gift. They pay my tuition fee and give me a pocket money every month. But I have a band, have friends and have other needs. Until now, my parents do not agree with me joined a group of a band, so they will not give me a penny for that. They said if I still want to join or form a group band I need to use my own efforts to fulfill a group band needs. if I cannot afford it by myself better do not have a group band, besides that, I have some friends who like hanging out to the expensive places, that why I have to find my own way to effort all my needs".

"How do you feel when you have to work that hard when your parents can give you everything?"

"It's ok for me. There are several reasons: One, my pride to my parents, I cannot give up my music because of my parent wishes, I love music so much and I cannot be able to succumb to my parents. So now, one of my goals is to show them I can be successful with my group band, and secondly I very enjoy my work, I can meet many people from different worlds so if one day they see me on TV they will say 'Hey, that's the SPM (sales promotion male) who I met at Mall ABC or he's a waiter in restaurant DEF. Wow, he's being a famous artist now. So cool. I want to be like him'. I want to be an inspiration to others, even if only one person, and one more thing, I also will not accept a job I do not like, no matter how big the paycheck will be."

Jingyu just can be stunned to hear the story of this boy in front of him. Honestly, he's very cool, he thought. It's very rare for rich kids have such thoughts. He has high self-esteem, not arrogance, and he knows how to keep his pride. That's even rarer.

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