Chapter 32: Celebrating the New Year together

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Here the update, happy reading Yuzhou lover, thank you our lovely author struggle_wind


Jingyu Pov.
"Jingyu, is Wang doing well? It seems that lately you rarely told me about her?", Mama asked me in the breakfast session.

"She's fine, Ma," I replied shortly.

"But you are still together, right? Weizhou said earlier that he broke up with his girlfriend. Mama was afraid you would break up with Wang".

"Ma, why are you talking about Weizhou's relationship?"

Spontaneous, I looked at Weizhou, afraid he felt offended. But he looks serious about his food.

"It's okay, Jingyu. I have already moved on anyway, hehehehhe", he replied while eating.

"Geez, forgive Auntie, Weizhou. Aunt doesn't mean ...".

"Aunt, really, it's fine. I've really moved on".

"That fast?".

"Mama!!!", I said not too loud but enough to stop the questions / Mama's silly questions.

"Jingyu ... it's okay".

"What's okay? Ma, can we continue eating. Soon you need to get ready to go departure, right?"

"Yes, you are right, dear. Weizhou, forgive us, we cannot accompany and entertain you for long. Tomorrow, Jingyu father must go to work".

"It's okay, Auntie. I'm also sorry, even troubling Aunt and Uncle".

"What are you talking about, young man. Our child friend is our child too. Once in a while, come to Dandong. We will entertain you better there."

"Thank you, Uncle. I'll visit there sometime".

They continued their conversation, but they no longer discussed the issue of their child's love life. As soon as the breakfast finished, they take a shower and get ready to immediately take their parents back to Dandong.

The car of father's Jingyu deliberately left in Shanghai, so Jingyu can use it to work. Jingyu had refused many times and argued that he already had a motorbike, but they still insisted. They say Papa and Mama Jingyu's workplace is close enough, using a car only wastes their expenses. If your grandfather or grandmother needs a car, lots of taxis for 24 hours. And many neighbors and relatives will be ready to help them. Meanwhile, Jingyu is only alone in Shanghai. Even though he has many friends, they really know their child. Jingyu really doesn't like to bother people, moreover, be indebted. He will do everything himself, as best he can. The reason that made Jingyu vow to work harder to provide comfort in life for 4 people who he loved the most. So, he relented. He accepted the car with the thought of replacing it with a better one. (the author tear flowed a little when she was writing this part ...).

After Jingyu's parents' plane left, they headed straight for the nearest mall. Weizhou wanted to find souvenirs for his two best friends in Beijing. He also wants to play in the play area. He said he didn't have time to have fun during filming yesterday. As a result, Jingyu became Weizhou's babysitter. He only accompanied wherever Weizou go. From one store to another. From one game to another. And Jingyu didn't mind at all. In fact, usually, he just sits on one of the benches when his girlfriend is busy shopping. And bring the items when finished. But now, he even plays and always walks next to Weizhou. Jingyu thought "Apparently, the words said "happiness is contagious" are true. Seeing Weizhou happy like a child like that, makes me happy too."

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