Chapter 25: Don't Change

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Hi all, here the update, happy reading to all my beloved reader and thx to our lovely author struggle_wind .


Jingyu Pov. At the night Weizhou get heavily drunk

"Don't try to stop me from drinking. who are you? don't you think are you have any other right dare to stop me? Do you think who you are toward me? You're not my parents, nor my boyfriend. You have no right to prevent me from doing whatever I want. You don't know what I feel, what I think. You don't know anything about me, and I tell you something, don't even try to control me!!! And one more thing, I AM NOT YOUR LITTLE BROTHER!!! So, start from now on, don't treat me like your little brother. DO YOU UNDERSTAND!!!!".

Zhouzhou said that words after pushing me down until I fall over the floor. I don't know what the problem is so that it makes him drunk like that. Even though he understands the most if he drinks too much it will affect his stomach. I tried to think positively that his words were just meaningless words which accidentally came out when he was drunk. But on the other side, I believe that the words that are said unconsciously when drunk are words that have been hidden in the depths of someone's heart. I tried my best to get rid of my second thoughts. It is not that I don't believe it, but I don't want to believe it. How can I know what you think and feel if you never tell me, Zhou? Don't treat you like my brother? Then, what should I treat you? What kind of treatment do you want from me, Zhou???

Now I can't do anything but only watch him continue drinking. I have no mood to drink anymore. At least, there must be one person who is sober among us. In addition, the atmosphere became a little awkward afterward. All people here are silent. No one continued to drink. In fact, some people started leaving the event. If Zhouzhou knew the consequences of his actions tonight at this event, he would never stop blaming himself.

Afterward, he only drank a few sips and then fainted. Without many words, I immediately carried him on my back and brought him back to our apartment. Arriving at the apartment, I immediately put him to bed in our bedroom. This is not the first time I have brought home a drunk male friend, so I don't feel anything strange. We used to hang out and get drunk, but because I was the one with the highest alcohol tolerance, usually I rarely drunk and finally, it was I who had to take care of my friends who were drunk. Wiping and changing their clothes is also normal for me. We are all men, right? What is wrong with that?

After laying him in bed, I immediately cook noodles, because I haven't eaten at all after lunch. After eating, I boiled water to prepare warm water for washing his body. We filmed all day, then continued the birthday of Papa Bai until evening. So, I thought, his body must have been sticky with the spilled sweat and alcohol. While waiting for boiled water, I took the time to take a bath. My body also feels very sticky.

Right after I wear clothes, the water is boiling. I immediately mixed it with cold water in a basin. I went straight to the room and started unbuttoning his clothes one by one. But, only 2 buttons open, my chest hurts. My hand stopped at the third button. And I didn't realize how long I stayed in that position. My gaze was be glued on his face which looked very innocent and peaceful, like a child who was exhausted after playing.

 My gaze was be glued on his face which looked very innocent and peaceful, like a child who was exhausted after playing

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