Chapter 46: Leave Me Alone

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Hey all, here the update, happy reading to all of YuZhou lover. And thank you so much to our lovely author struggle_wind .

Song: 许魏洲《忘了我吧》Timmy Xu《Leave Me Alone》

Song: 许魏洲《忘了我吧》Timmy Xu《Leave Me Alone》

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Gēgē ; Brother ; 哥哥


Jingyu Pov.

Wenwen's name appears on my phone screen. What's the matter, is he calling at midnight like this? He definitely wants to talk about Weizhou again. To be honest, I want to know the news about Weizhou. But I also don't want to know because I'm afraid it will make me think about him again. So, I let my cellphone ring several times. But shortly after the ringing stop, my cellphone rang again. I was still ignored until finally, Wenwen called for the fourth time.

"Hello", I answered lazily.

"Jingyu Gege, sorry I bothered you at midnight like this ..."

"What's up, just to the point?"

"I want to tell you about Weizhou Ge ......".

"Wen, I told you, don't interfere about my problem with Weizhou !!", I cut his words like a sharp knife cut paper.

"But Ge ..."

Immediately I turn off the telephone connection and threw my cellphone into bed.

But... what's happened with Wenzhou? It's rarely for Wenwen to call me at midnight so many times like this. But, why does Wenwen need to tell me about Weizhou??? So, now Wenwen has acted as "right hand" for Weizhou???!!! Thinking about it makes me even angrier!!!

Wenwen Pov.

"Ryan Gege, I called Jingyu Gege, but he immediately hung up before I could tell him about what happens to Weizhou Gege".

"Okay then, just let it be. Maybe Jingyu doesn't care about Weizhou at all. Don't worry, we can take care of Weizhou. You just go home, Wen," Ryan said.

"It's okay, Ge. I will stay here. I'm still on holiday tomorrow. Dashu is definitely going home too."

"Eh yeah, did you not inform Dashu?" Asked Peng.

"No, I think no need to inform Dashu. From that day on, Dashu hardly talked to me, except things about college. In fact, Dashu didn't want to talk about Weizhou Gege at all. Dashu was so strange lately".

"Why do you think Dashu is like that?" Ryan asked.

"As I said to Weizhou Gege, it seems like Dashu likes Jingyu Gege. So, when Jingyu Gege left because of Weizhou Gege yesterday, Dashu was angry at Weizhou Gege".

"Oh Gosh ......why the relationship is very complicated. Even though you only know a few months," Peng grumbled.

"What about you, Wen. Do you like one of the three of them?", Ryan asks with high curiosity.

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