Chapter 27: Bye and See You Soon

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Hi all, here the update, happy reading to you all my beloved reader. A big thank you for our lovely translator SongJiaYu and also our author struggle_wind


Weizhou Pov.

December 23, 2015, 7pm

Jingyu updated his Weibo while hugging the doll with the caption "Filming is over

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Jingyu updated his Weibo while hugging the doll with the caption "Filming is over. My first experience was full of pleasant experiences". The last few days, I tried not to think about coming today, because I didn't want to part with ... them. But, seeing Jingyu's post made me unable to run anymore. It's time ... he took a photo with a smiling face, making me think, is it just me who doesn't want it to end quickly. Is it really just me? Even when one of the crew asked me to pose with Jingyu, with one more doll, I couldn't smile. You know, if I'm usually good at hiding my emotions? I should have smiled, just like Jingyu. But I can't. And I don't care about the results. I also don't care whether he will post it or not. I really don't care.

There was a bit of disappointment when I saw him smile at the doll and the camera. Disappointed because only I felt this. Disappointed because it seemed like everyone was waiting for this farewell moment. Disappointed because everyone looks happy. But what can I do? There's no way I scold them just because of my feelings. I wanted to feel like I immediately ran from this farewell party and left all these disappointed feelings.

 I wanted to feel like I immediately ran from this farewell party and left all these disappointed feelings

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December 23, 2015, 10pm

"Zhou, what time do you go home tomorrow?", He asked after we returned to the apartment.

"Don't know. How about you?", I asked back.

"I ... go home after you, Zhou".

"But I don't know what time I will go home, Yu".

"It's okay, Zhou. After all, I have no business after this, so I can go home at any time".

"But you need to go back to Shanghai, Yu. while my house is near here, it's still in Beijing too."

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