Chapter 9: I'm Afraid

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Hi all, my beloved reader, here the update, happy reading ... 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

Xu Weizhou Pov

Today is the scene when Bailouyin comes home from school and rains. Bailouyin should walk in the middle of the heavy rain without an umbrella. Although the real weather was not raining, still, the air was very cold. Hopefully the scene today is quickly finished. I cannot stand any longer again, this is so cold. This is the fourth scene were taken. I do not know what Chai Jie is looking for, but it always does not feel right for her. My pale face is not the result of makeup, but because I'm really shivering cold. I don't know, I can survive how much longer. But I do not have any gut to protest to her. She looked cold too, but she kept here and directing me. She's a strong woman, but I'm the guy who cannot stand in the cold weather, I can defeat anything in this world, but I do give up to the cold.

"CUT!!!!! Bailouyin, make your expression as if you were alone, no one else, nothing important in your life, make it indifferent as quiet as possible. Come on, this is our last shoot today. You will want to hurry back to your room, right??? ".

I just nodded. Then I go back to the set and start the scene. I empty my mind. indifferent. Do not care. I on myself. I keep thinking about it as I keep walking through that artificial rain until I finally hear ......

"CUT!!!! PERFECT!!! BINGO!!!", Chai Jie's voice startled me. I did not realize I was at the end of the set. At least, this torturous filming session is over. I walked directly to the crew who must have prepared the towel for me. (BINGO: used to express satisfaction or surprise at a sudden positive event or outcome.)

"Give me another towel for Weizhou, he's cold".

Uh, why is that Jingyu give me a towel? Then he wrapped it around my waist and shoulders. Before long, he rubbed a towel over my head, trying to dry my hair. Honestly, I was shocked. Why is he here? Is not he finished filming today? I think he went straight back to the apartment. Looking at his clothes, he has not changed since our film a few hours ago. Was he here since the beginning? Why?

So many questions flow through my head and that questions keep wondering in my mind, he rubbed my face with a towel. I'm sure my face was flushed by then. do not ask me why, because I do not know why.

"I thought you were back, why are you still here, Jingyu?" I asked.

"Waiting for you".

Short. Clear. Solid. That was the answer, and then he continued wiping my face with a towel.

"Your shooting is over right? You should take a shower, so as not to catch a cold, I'll wait here".

"Hhhmmm ... you go home first, do not wait for me".

" Do you have anything else activity or maybe date after this?", He asked.


"Weizhou, I've been waiting for you from the start and now you're kicking me. You're really cruel", he replied curtly.

"Uh ... sorry... I did not mean that. All right, please, wait for me I'll hurry," I replied and ran to the school toilets. The crew had prepared warm water and dressing for me. I had to take a quick shower, I did not want Jingyu to wait too long there.

Jingyu Pov

After finishing our scene at school, I allowed going back to the apartment. Because the last scene only shows Bailouyin, without Guhai. But I do not know, I do not want to go back and choose to wait for him. The scene is quite difficult, must act without expression, under rainwater (artificial), in the middle of the super cold air. He had to repeat many times. His face was getting pale and his lips getting blue. Why he's so stupid. He should be able to do the acting easily. I know his ability. But because he always failed, so he had to repeat the torturous scene. I cannot bear to see my little brother shiver like that. I want to ask Chai Jie to take a break, but I know, if I do it the filming process today will take more time to be finished and the longer Weizhou gets tortured. Finally, I just shut up and watched him.

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