Chapter 23: Speak

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Hi all my beloved reader, today I update again because this chapter already translated by our lovely translator SongJiaYu , thank you to her, she is really amazing and to our lovely author struggle_wind .


Jingyu Pov.

"Okay, now we can talk, Zhou," I said after closing my telephone connection to Chai Jie.

"There is nothing to talk about," he answered, getting up from the bed.

"Zhou, sit down please ...".

"I said, there is nothing to talk about," he replied with his back facing me.

"Zhou ...... Sit down please!!!", I repeated.

"XU.WEI.ZHOU ... SIT DOWN NOW!!!". This time I pressed every single word, so he understood, this was not a request, but a command.

"Why are you commanding me???!!!", he snapped.

"I've asked you politely before!!!"

"Okay, what do you want to talk about? !!", he asked as he pulled the chair roughly and sat a little away from me.

"Why are you crying?"

"None of your business!!!".

"It was my business because I found you lying there !!!"

"I didn't ask you to take care of me. You should have called Vivie Jie, so he took care of me !!!", he replied curtly.

"You mean, if you find me lying unconscious, you will call someone else to take care of me and ignore me, Zhou?", I asked incredulously.

"Alright. I understand. I'd better go to the set. I'll call Vivie Jie to take care of you today."

I immediately stood up because I was out of words.

For some reason, his answer this time felt more painful than the one yesterday.

"Jingyu ... isn't that what I mean ...", suddenly he pulled my arm, made me turn my body and saw him shaking his head.

"Then what do you mean??? Did you know, I almost had a heart attack when I saw you lying unconscious and turned blue in the bathroom. Last night I was drunk, but immediately get sober when I saw your situation. I did everything that I could do to regain your consciousness and warm up your body, I did it for hours. Why didn't I call anyone for help??? Because I don't want you to feel guilty the next day. I know that you are the kind of person who really doesn't want troublesome other people. I can't sleep before your body is warm and you're fast asleep. Last night I was the one who felt so scared and worried, and now, look at you, that's your answer, Zhou???!!!".

I see his face feeling guilty, but I can no longer hold back my emotions.

"Sorry Yu. Sorry. Sorry. That's not what I meant", he suddenly hugged me and sobbed.

"Hey ... Hey... Zhou ...", I tried to let go of his arms, but he tightly hugged me.

"Sorry Yu ... Sorry ... Sob... sob ...".

"Ssshhhh ... It's okay. I'm also sorry for yelling at you".

Finally, I rubbed his back and let him hug me.

After a while, he looked surprised and let go of his arms. And I felt something was missing at that time.

"Eh ... Sorry. Jingyu. I don't know ... why ...... I didn't realize. I ...", he explained stammeringly with his panicked face, which it looks adorable.

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