Chapter 47: Weizhou .... wait for me...!!!!!

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Hi all, here the update, happy reading to all of YuZhou Lover. For your information still, 3 chapters left and thank you to our lovely author struggle_wind .

Song: Giraffe Squad - Wait For Me [NCS Release]


Gēgē ; Brother ; 哥哥

Dashu Pov.

"Do you think I'm as stupid and as crazy as to not be aware of your feelings for Jingyu Gege? My feelings for Weizhou Gege are not the same as your feelings for Jingyu Gege."

Wenwen's words continued to ring in my head. Is he really aware of it? Is that looks so obvious that I have a crush on Jingyu Gege?

I know, Jingyu Gege and Weizhou Gege are very close. So close. Even me who has become friends with Wenwen is much longer than them, not that close. I also know that they are waiting for each other and also get food for each other when one is filming, they always go together everywhere. They never let us into their rooms if one was in the bathroom, for some reason, but I don't know why? And finally, I heard the Weizhou Gege go to Jingyu Gege place in Shanghai. Then yesterday, Jingyu Gege who came to Beijing met Weizhou Gege.

For some reason, I really want to be close to Jingyu Gege. Am I gay??? Impossible. I am always attracted to beautiful women. I don't have many ex-girlfriends, but I have a lot of close girlfriends, a friend for the benefit. Sometimes Wenwen gets angry with my attitude toward my close girlfriends. He always advised not to play with women. But so far, they are who the one come after me. I just give them happiness. What's wrong with that? Nothing, right? After all, they already knew "I'm a playboy".

Honestly, I don't have many male friends. Many men don't like me. They always think of me as their love rival. And there are some men who like me and even confess their feeling to me, regardless of my status. But I always stay away from men who are attracted to me.

Unlike Wenwen, he is liked by many women and men. Wenwen's friends are a lot. From the ordinary to the handsome and beautiful. From the poor to the rich. From the drivers of public transportation to lecturers. From young to old. He is very sociable and loyal to his friends. I got a lot of new friends from him. Because every time he hung out, he always invited me and introduced me to his friends. But among of them, only a few people can stay close to me. So, I wasn't too surprised when I saw Wenwen so defending toward Weizhou. That is, he really knows my feelings.

But ... what kind of feelings I have toward Jingyu Gege? I'm not sure either. Since I first saw him, I like him. No, not a love feeling like that. But I admire him. He looks very manly. With a big body and an indifferent attitude, it makes him become a little scary man. But the longer I knew him and saw how he treated the three of us, I knew that he was not a scary person. In fact, he is very kind and loving. Although sometimes people misunderstand his silence behavior and cool attitude that sometimes still appears.

Weizhou Gege said, he would be like that if he was hungry, tired, upset or having a problem. And the only person who can restore his mood is Weizhou Gege. Only Weizhou.

Then what should I do now? Should I tell Jingyu Gege or not? But Wenwen said Weizhou Gege forbade him to tell anyone. He didn't even tell Jingyu Gege, then what was Weizhou Gege reaction if I told Jingyu Gege about his condition. But if I don't tell Jingyu Gege, Jingyu Gege will definitely be mad at me. Eh, aren't they having a problem toward each other? Don't tell me, if I tell Jingyu Gege, Jingyu Gege would be angry at me for mentioning name Weizhou Gege along our conversation??? Aaarrrggghhhhh!!!!!! if only I hadn't been curious to know what happened and don't force Wenwen to tell me, of course, my head and my mind wouldn't be this confused.

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