Chapter 48: A.N.Y.T.H.I.N.G!!!!!!

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Hi all, here the update, happy reading to all of you, YuZhou lover. And Thank you to our lovely author struggle_wind .

Song: 许魏洲 Timmy Xu《Everything About You》

Song: 许魏洲 Timmy Xu《Everything About You》

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Gēgē ; Brother ; 哥哥

Beijing, January 18, 2016, 12.30 pm

Jingyu Pov.

Ting ... tong ...

After 3 times the doorbell rang, footsteps came close to the door. But after a while, why doesn't the door open too. Just now I intend to squeeze the bell again, my cellphone rings.

Wenwen ... What does this kid want from me? Why should he call me right now???

I immediately turn off my cellphone. But it rang again. From Wenwen again. I finally answer his call because if not he kept bothering me.

"What ......", I asked curtly.

"What are you coming here for?"

"Huh?????? What do you mean?"

"Why did you come to Weizhou Gege's apartment?"

"You ... Are you behind this door?", I said, staring sharply at the small glass in the middle of the door. Yes, he must be behind the door and see me standing here.

"Wen, open the door. I have to meet Zhouzhou", I said firmly.

"What for? Don't you say that you don't want to deal with him again? Why are you here?"

"Wen, open the door", I said pressing my words, so he understood that I didn't want to argue with him.

"No, I will not open the door before you say what is your purpose".

"Don't let me break this door, Wen".

"Just break it. I don't care. After all, this is Weizhou Gege's apartment, not my apartment."

Wenwen is indeed famous for being sociable and joking. He always brings the atmosphere of happy and joyful wherever he is. But I also know, when he becomes serious, he will show his maturity instantly. So, I know for sure this time that he isn't joking.

"Okay ... I heard from Dashu ......".

......... creekkkk ...... (sound of the door opens)

After Wenwen opens the door he steps out from Weizhou apartment and immediately closed the door behind him and also pulled me away from Weizhou's apartment. Of course, I tried to rebel and push him away from me, because my main goal to come here so far from Shanghai was in there, inside the apartment, not outside like this.

"Ge, before you meet him, we need to talk. Outside here. After all, you don't know the password for the door? Weizhou Gege cellphone is in my hand, so you won't be able to call him to ask the password to open the door",

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