Chapter 11: Your Attention

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Hiiii all my beloved reader, here the update, happy reading 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

Jingyu Pov.

"CUT !!!". Chen Ge shouted.

"You almost broke my ankle ...".

"Actually, I'm after your shoes, even though I feel a bit like I kick your ankle."

"You kick my ankle, Zhou ....".

"Sorry .... hehehehe", he said, rubbing my ankles.

"Jingyu, did last night you practice for this scene?", asked Chen Ge.

"Why you asked, Ge?" I'm a little worried and afraid if my acts do not suitable for what he wants, you can assume not the standards that he (director) hope for.

"That was awesome, you know, are you sure that you never learned acting before, your acting is very natural." Chen Ge said

I smiled happily with that compliment and automatically I turned my eyes towards Weizhou, but he shook his head slowly, he did not want me to tell the director that Weizhou was the one who taught me. And I only laugh to Chen Ge as the answer toward his compliment.

"If this goes on, we can finish before the schedule, boss", said the director to Chai Jie

"I choose the right actor, isn't it?", said Chai Jie while raising her eyebrows.

"Okay, let's take a break for a while. For the next scene, we're going to do a scene on the lake and we'll go there in the next two hours. The food is already prepared in the next room. I go back to the office first, there's something I need to do. If I do not come back in 2 hours, you can start the shooting first, do not wait for me. Chen Ge already knows what to do ". She left us soon after she finishes give us guidance.

I and Weizhou reading the script while we are eating. And as usual, he taught me how to say and act. But I wonder, why he did not want to take credit for his kindness for helping me during the process of filming???

"Zhou ...".

"Hhhmmm ....".

"Why you do not want people to know that you're the one who helped me all along? I mean, they always praised my acting progress and good accent pronunciation. In fact, you're the one behind all the great progress."

"Hahahahaha... come on... you know what? Think about it, even though the teacher is great, but if the student does not want to learn, let's say the student acts like a dumb-ass, it will be a problem, right? It will hard for both side, for a teacher and the student too. You can be as good as this because you're a fast learner and have a good understanding. I know exactly, you are trying very hard to reach this point. I know you always sleep late because you learn everything that I told you. You repeat again by yourself in the middle of the night. If you ask who is more meritorious for the development or growth of your acting, it is you. I do the same thing to Wenwen and Dashu, but why only you are often praised by them??? Because you are 100% deserve got the compliment", he said with a smile.

I'm speechless, cannot utter a single word to answer him. One thing for sure, it's making me, more and more admire him. Weizhou is like a rare human being created. It's very rare, or perhaps not available again in this whole world. Someone who comes from a wealthy and rich family, very humble and low profile and have a mature mind. And finally, we continue our eating and discussing our next scene.

2 hours later

"Chai Jie, are you serious? Oh... come on! Do I have to get into the lake? It's very cold, Jie".

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