Chapter 40: I made him angry again

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Hi all ... second update for this Sunday, happy reading to all my beloved reader, Yuzhou Lover. Thank you for our lovely author struggle_wind .
Song: Love Someone by Lukas Graham


Note: italics - Weizhou part

"Baby ..."

"Honey, where are you? What are you doing? I called you from before, but your cell phone is not active. Usually, you never turn off your cell phone", Wang's voice was over there.

"Sorry, my battery ran out. I forgot to charge".

"Honey ......".


"Where are you?".

*Shit!!! Since she arrived in Paris, she hasn't contacted me at all. All text and phone calls that I did before also no reply at all. But why is she calling me now? While I was in Beijing, at Weizhou. Yesterday she was "suspicious" of my relationship with Weizhou. Now, what should I answer???*

"Honey ...", called Wang over there.

"Hhmmm ... yeah, why baby?"

"You haven't answered my question. Where are you?"

"Ehhmmm ... I'm in Beijing".

"Beijing? For what?", His tone sounded a little suspicious.

"Preparing for my drama Fan Meeting, next month".

"Have you started training??? Why didn't you tell me from yesterday?"

"How can I tell you? You never picked up my phone, didn't reply to my text and WeChat, didn't even contact me?"

Finally, I found a "reason" that was not made up. Hopefully, that doesn't make she suspicious.

"Sorry Honey. By the time I was arriving in Paris, I was immediately quarantined by my agent. I was not allowed to bring a cell phone. I just came home last night and just turned on my cell phone this morning and saw your calls and messages. Sorry Honey".

"Hhhmmmm ... Okay then, forget it. What's important now is that you know. Then, today you don't have a schedule?"

"I'll have an event later tonight. I'll be sleeping soon. And how about you?"

"I just woke up, baby".

"Alright, okay then, I will go to sleep first. If there's anything, just WeChat. I'll reply as soon as possible."

"Okay. Don't forget to dream of me, baby."

"Bye honey. Miss you".

"Miss you too, baby".

I was in the living room when I received a call from Wang

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I was in the living room when I received a call from Wang. And when I'm done, I can't find Weizhou anywhere. The only place I haven't been looking for is his bedroom.

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