Chapter 15: Chai Jidan Pov

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Hi all my beloved reader, here the update, happy reading

I hope next chapter will update tomorrow because already translated by SongJiaYu


The more days pass my gay radar is getting stronger when I look at the behavior of my two main actors. Jingyu and Guhai. Weizhou and BaiLouYin. It is so hard to see the difference of their own original characters with the characters they were played in the drama. I'm the one who asked them to call each other with the name of the role and now they are too deep into the role, so now I also confused about it and it is hard to tell with the difference between real life or role life. Especially when Jingyu and Zhouzhou got into their own world. It seems like the world is theirs. Sometimes, they talk about something we don't understand. Now chat about cheese, then continue chatting about the motorbike, move to chat about meteors and so on. So, when they had no shooting part and got into their chatting world, none of us would want to approach them. We do not want to be considered as stupid mosquitoes, who are willing to join in but do not understand what they are talking about.

I want to talk about Weizhou and Jingyu. After my first adaptation film titled Counter Attack was quite successful, many asked me to make adaptations from Shangyin. I was hesitant at first because this was the novel I was most proud of. Just like other novel connoisseurs, there is a fear when a story from the novel is adapted to a movie, fears about the movie will become less attractive or less of the scene compared with the novel. There will be many empty slots everywhere. How do you constrict 208 chapters into a movie that has a total duration of just a few hours??? Afraid that the message you want to convey in the novel cannot be clearly described in the movie. That is what I feel. In fact, fear is greater than the reader. Because this novel I have considered as my own child. I spend a lot of time, energy and mind to make it. Not to mention when editing and looking for references about many things that I never knew, such as the world of military, politics, illness, and much more. That's what made me take a very long time to decide to adapt it to a movie.

And all happened and get started just because of one magazine cover. A magazine cover featuring my men; Chenwen posing with a young man that suitable with Guhai's images in my novel. When I saw it, all the scenes in my novel revolved in my head, with that young man becoming Guhai. About BaiLouYin, I imagine a faceless young man, because I don't have any imagination of BaiLouYin face at all. Honestly, finding someone for Guhai role is much easier than looking for someone as BaiLouYin. It is because BaiLouYin is someone who has 180 degrees different characters outside and inside. Usually, people call someone like that as Tsundere *. I need to find someone who is cold-faced but has a warm heart, both rude and gentle at once, both calm and mischievous at once, and both smart and cunning at once. And I haven't found it yet. But when I saw this young man, I decided to take him first. The important thing is that he agreed to play the role of Guhai, another problem I could hold for a while.

I asked (read: threaten) ChenWen to bring the young man to meet me. Initially, it was rather difficult to persuade him. But don't call me Chai Jidan if I can't seduce him to be Guhai hahahaahaha ... And as I expected, my seduction works. He is willing to be Guhai. Okay ... Now it's time for me to look for BaiLouYin ...

Oh yeah, about Dashu, ChenWen is "offering" him to me. He said he had a classmate who was very handsome and seemed to be suitable for playing YouQi. And when we first met, I immediately agreed with ChenWen. This young man is very handsome. His skin is clean white, tall and very handsome. Because of this, my instinct said that it seemed like ChenWen could become the common thread of this production. Then I began to look at all the magazines which are ChenWen was inside them. Even though I wasn't always together or accompanied him, I knew he had been a cover for some teen magazines. Paired with many girls and boys. I thought if I could find BaiLouYin there.

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