Chapter 33: I'm leaving, Yu.

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Hi all my beloved reader, here the update, happy  reading, thank you to our lovely author struggle_wind


Italic is the ZZ part.

Jingyu Pov.

Jingyu Pov

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They said together. Wang immediately ran and hugged Jingyu. Jingyu's body tightened. Weizhou just quietly saw the scene in front of him. Slowly, Jingyu replied to Wang's embrace while glancing at Weizhou beside him. Weizhou only gave his awkward smile, and Jingyu knew out about that awkward smile.

Slowly, Jingyu let go of Wang's arms.

"How come you suddenly arrived here?"

"You don't like me giving you this surprise, honey?" Wang replied, pursing his lips.

"Of course, I'm happy. I'm just shocked. You said don't call you because you're busy, now you're suddenly here".

"It's also a surprise, honey. Uh, who is this?", Asked Wang who had just realized the presence of other people nearby.

"Ah sorry, I forgot to introduce it. This is Weizhou. Weizhou, this is Wang".

"Ah!!! Your boyfriend is in the series??? Uh, he's staying here?"

"Yes, he has stayed a few days here. His parents' house is not far from here. My parents came home after Christmas. So I asked him to accompany me while he was in Shanghai."

"Wait ... you two don't really become a couple like your role in series, right?"

"What do you mean?", Jingyu asked confusedly.

"Dating", she answered briefly.

"What???!!! Don't go crazy, baby. We're just friends".

"Really??? Weizhou???", he asked facing Weizhou.

"Of course. He already has a girlfriend as beautiful as you. Even if he wants to be gay, many of his friends are more handsome than me heheheehe ......".

"Have you met Jingyu's friends?"

"I invited him several times to hang out with my friends".

"Hhhhmmm ... fine. okay then, let's eat. I've cooked for you ... uh, for us. I think the food is enough for the three of us".

"Ah, no need. I'd better pack and sleep. So tomorrow I can leave early in the morning".

"Where to go?" Jingyu asked confusedly.


"What do you mean? Isn't it ... ."

"Wang, you want to spend the New Year's Eve here, right?", Weizhou instead asked Wang.

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