Chapter 4: About him & Her

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Jingyu Pov

"Jingyu, I have been found the main role before I met you and I will let you two meet each other. But I want to let you know first, all the decision on his hand because I have been made promise with him first, so I really sorry if he doesn't like you as his 'boyfriend', it's mean you can't join us in this project and I will find another main role again, but if he likes you it's mean you can join us for this project. He will arrive in 1 hour, you can read the script while waiting for him, so you will get the idea how is Guhai character." Chai JiDan explains to me at our first meeting.

Wenwen does not say much about this project and who else involved inside it. So, I come to her office without any intention. Thank God if I will get this role but it's okay if I don't get this role, no pressure for me. I still have my own job as a model and let's say I'm still in demand. But now after what Chai JiDan said to me, I'm curious who the hell he is, the one who will become my 'boyfriend'? Who is he? Famous actor, rich actor, super handsome actor or what? Why should Chai JiDan obey his decision? She is a film director of this project, right? It felt so weird to me.

Soon after Chai JiDan left me in this meeting room, she gave me papers of a script for me. She hopes I can read and get deep into Guhai role. Time flies so fast when I read a script. Looks like Guhai similar to me, the character, his loyalty and his stubborn. The differences are Guhai come from very rich and powerful family while me ... For only buying this ring I need to work hard every day. I mutter to myself.

"Huang Jingyu, my boss calls you, it looks like your 'boyfriend' already come." Suddenly Vivie appears in front of me and asks me to go to Chai JiDan office. I follow her to Chai JiDan office. Soon after I enter to her office, I saw a boy younger than me, quite handsome but I'm still more handsome than him. His appearance just so-so, he wears a hoodie, ripped jeans, expensive sneakers I think. Nothing special about him, but why the decision depends on him??? I'm asking myself.

"Weizhou, you don't have to be stunned like that. Let's me introduce, this is Huang Jingyu and Huang Jingyu, this is Xu Weizhou." Chai JiDan voices break my reverie.

"Hai... I'm Xu Weizhou." He said while holding out his hand for shake hand and he smiles at me, he has a sweet smile.

"Huang Jingyu," I answer him shortly.

"Huang... Huang Jingyu ...". He stutters saying my family name.

It looks like my family name so weird that he can't mention or ever heard so he stutters when he pronounces my family name. I said to my mind.

"Weizhou, what do you think? You agree to my offer? You become Bailouyin and he will play as Guhai?" Chai JiDan whispers to that boy, but it loud and clear enough so I can hear it.

All of sudden I feel nervous and unconsciously I keep looking at him and waiting for his answer too. I must maintain my cool appearance, I put both of my hands on each of my knees so I will not look obviously tremble. I hope they don't realize and see that I'm very nervous. I saw him nod his head and I sigh relieved because since Chai JiDan whispered to him. Looks like unconsciously I hold my breath.

"Alright, done. Huang Jingyu will play as Guhai and Xu Weizhou will play as Bailouyin. Now both of you can go home and prepare your stuff because tomorrow the two of you will stay at the place that I already prepared during the proses of our filming." Chai JiDan voice breaks my reverie one again.

Live together? No problem for me, I already get used to being like that with my friend at modeling world. We stay at one house together or live in one apartment together even one bedroom. I mean, we are all men, so no problem right, nothing wrong or weird about living together, right?

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