Chapter 18: What did I do wrong?

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Hi all, this is the update, happy reading to you all 🙏🏻

Thx u to our lovely translator SongJiaYu

And to our lovely author struggle_wind


Weizhou Pov.

Uh ...  I sleep with a very well last night, very peaceful sleep. Usually, I cannot get sleep well if I have a lot of thinking or burden inside my head. I do not get used to sharing my problems with other, so when the problems getting more and more and stack up, it will affect my mood, my appetite, and even my sleep. But I do not feel anything like that this morning when I woke up.

Jingyu was gone when I woke up. The clock shows 7.15 am. I need to take a shower, have breakfast and get ready. I don't want to hear Chai Jie's lecture if I'm late. When I came out and headed for the bathroom, I saw Jingyu was in the kitchen.

"What are you doing, Jingyu?" And it seemed like my greeting surprised him because he immediately dropped the plate he was holding.

"Jingyu, be careful. Sorry, I must have surprised you huh? After all, it's not usually that you are careless like that", I said while helping him pick up the broken pieces on the floor. But he didn't speak anything, he even not looking at me.

"Jingyu ... Are you angry because I surprised you? Sorry, I didn't mean to surprise you. Besides, my voice was soft, it wasn't loud at all. Looks like you were daydreaming, so you were shocked when I heard my voice."

He still picked up the broken piece of plates in silence. It seems like his mood is bad this morning. Even though last night he was fine. Very good instead. Last night he protested because I didn't share the problem with him, but now he was acting like that. Never mind, I'd better take a shower first. I'll talk to him later after the meeting gets done. Because if I ask him to talk now, it's sure we will be late to Chai Jie's office later.

I immediately entered the room and changed clothes after I finished taking a shower. Soon after that, Jingyu knocked on the door of our room.

"Zhou, I prepared breakfast at the dining table. I will go first ...".

Spontaneously, I immediately ran and opened the door of the room, chased him and pulled his hand before he could walk too far. He stopped but without looking at me at all.

"What wrong with you, Jingyu? What was wrong with me? Last night you asked me to share my problem, but now you behave like this. Tell me what is wrong, so I can fix it".

"Sorry Zhou, I want to solve the problem this time by myself," he replied as he slowly released the grip of my hand on his arm.

I let go of him and let him go first. Suddenly there was a pain piercing my chest. I don't like being in a position like this. As if like he hates me without knowing the reason, what did I do wrong or what kind of mistakes I did? If we had a fight last night, I would have understood. But last night we discussed, exchanged thoughts and anything. I think we are getting closer. But I was wrong. We are even farther away. And Jingyu's cooking this morning feels very bland and bitter ...

Move to the scene in Chai Jie's office

"Weizhou, why aren't you together with Jingyu?" Chai Jie asked when I arrived at her office.

Looks like I'm the last person to come.

"Sorry boss, oversleep ... heheehehe ...", I replied with my fake laughter.

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