Chapter 30: Why are you angry, Zhou???

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Ahhhh... Guys, I update again, happy reading to all of you. Happy Sunday... I will go to a movie now watch Aquaman. Thx you to our lovely translator SongJiaYu it's really nice to work with her in this translation project and author struggle_wind

Note: Italic is Weizhou part

December 25, 2015; 6 pm

"Yu, I was at the airport. The plane left at 7. Maybe it arrived in Shanghai at 9:15 p.m. Are you will pick me up?"

Right at 5 pm, Weizhou reported through WeChat about his scheduled departure. Because when I asked, he didn't want to tell his schedule. He said, he would notify me when he arrived at the airport. The distance of my house to Shanghai airport is only about 1 hour, so there is still 3 hours to get to the airport. My parents were very happy when I told them about Weizhou's arrival, especially my mother. She really likes Weizhou. She said Weizhou is the opposite of me. He is very polite, sweet, friendly and pleasant. Even though they only met once when my mother visited me on the set while carrying food for everyone there. Okay, now I'm becoming suspicious, actually who is my mother's son?

Whatever, that's not important. The important thing is, now I need to get ready to pick him up. I'm too lazy to reply to his message, so I just called him right away.

"Halo ...".

"Of course, I will pick you up. I'm leaving soon, "I replied.

"Eh ... Do you want to leave now? Isn't the distance of your house to the airport only 1 hour?"

"Eh, how come you know about that???", I asked confused. Because as far as I remember, I never told you about that.

"You forgot? I'm a Shanghai person too."

"Oh yeah ... Hehehehehe ......"

"It's better for you to leave later at 8 o'clock. So, you will not wait too long."

"I'm afraid that later it will get stuck, so you're waiting for me instead."

"Yeah, it's okay. You've been willing to pick me up, I don't want to trouble you again by waiting for me too long".

"Zhou ...... why are you still feeling awkward like this?"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"I understand that you feel awkward or uncomfortable for fear of troubling others. But this is me, Huang Jingyu, your best friend. Why do you still feel like that? Or don't you think of me as your best friend?"

"Yu, you know that's not what I mean ...?"

"No. I don't know, Zhou. Because sometimes you treat me the same way you treat the other crew and friends on the set. I think you're not too close to them. I think I'm the one who is closest to you. Maybe I'm wrong ... ... "

"Yu ... Yu .... no. You're not wrong. I'm the one who was wrong. You're the closest one to me compared to all of them. If not, why would I go back to Shanghai on Christmas day just to see you?????? Sorry if my attitude made you misunderstand, it's not easy for me to change my habits and ways of thinking. Sorry, Yu ...... ".


"Yu ... Jingyu ...... Are you still there?"

"Looks like again and again I make you feel guilty, Zhou. Even though it's just my selfish feeling. Sorry, Zhou .....".

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