Chapter 24: Forget it!

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Hi all, here the update, happy reading to my beloved reader. Thx you to our lovely author struggle_wind .


Weizhou Pov.

"Zhou, get up quickly. I'm preparing breakfast. Zhou ... Zhou ...".

I heard Jingyu's voice from outside the room. Even though it was only 5 a.m., why was he busy???

"Zhou ......", suddenly he had opened the door of the room.

When I saw him, I immediately remembered the "little drama" last night. It feels like my cheeks are hot and my heart is beating fast.

"Zhou, are you still sick???" he asked while holding my forehead. When did he walk over to me??? Why don't I see it? Reflex, I turn my head over. But soon I turned to face him, shortly after I realized my attitude just now.

"No, I'm fine, Jing ... Yu", I replied.

"Hmmm, thank God then. You better take a shower, I will prepare our breakfast. Boss said, we will film early today", he replied with a small smile, then immediately left me.

Even though it was only a glance, I still had time to see his still hanging hand after holding my forehead. His face tightened. But that was only a moment then he immediately acted normally after that. And his smile ... looks very forced.

Zhou ... What else are you doing now??? How many more times do you have to hurt him??? Huh, stupid's Zhou!!!!

I immediately got up from the bed and headed for the kitchen and met his cold back. No matter how many words I want to say to him, not a word comes from my lips. Finally, I immediately took a shower and left him alone again in the kitchen with his busy activity with the cooking matter.

Soon after taking a shower and changing clothes, I headed to the dining room. It seems like he has finished cooking. Our gazes met for a moment, then he smiled at me.

"Zhou, you have breakfast first, I want to take a shower first".

Before I could answer, he had disappeared behind the bathroom door.

What should I do? I can't have breakfast first, it seems doesn't polite if I eat first. He is the one who prepares this breakfast while I did not do anything. But, I'm afraid the atmosphere of breakfast will be awkward if we eat together ...

"Zhou!!! Why haven't you had breakfast???", his voice interrupted my thoughts.

Hah, how long do I daydream? Until I didn't realize that he had finished showering and changing clothes??? What are you thinking, Zhou???

"Xu.Wei.Zhou ...", he waved his hand in front of my face.

"Hhmmm ...", I answered briefly as I looked up, looking at him.

"Why haven't you had breakfast yet? I asked you to have breakfast first."

"You the one who cooked and prepared this food for our breakfast, it seems doesn't even right if I the one who eats first, ... Yu?" (There is a pause when ZZ calls Yu's name because he is not used to it).

"Okay then, let's have breakfast together now", he said as he ruffled my short hair.

After that, everything goes back "normal" again. More precisely, he is acting "normal". Normal in the meaning of always joking with me, teasing me, bothering me and doing everything like before we had a kiss scene after Guhai got drunk.

Everything went normal, but to me, it felt abnormal. So weird, right?

He stills nice to me as usual. For example, always waiting for me until I finish shooting, taking food and drinks at the break time for me, cooking food in the apartment and much more. Everything is the same as before, but it feels different to me, but I don't know what's different. It's just felt weird to me, so weird until I lost the words and I cannot explain this weird that I felt in a word.

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