Chapter 45: Denial

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Hii all, here the update, happy reading to all of you, YuZhou Lover. 5 chapter left and thank you to our lovely author struggle_wind .


Note: italics - Weizhou part

Gēgē ; Brother ; 哥哥

Weizhou Pov.

After finding out and sure that Jingyu only informed Dashu, I decided to accept the fact that Jingyu chooses to inform Dashu not me. Honestly, I'm disappointed and hurt. Of course, It will be different if he doesn't contact anyone between us. But this time ..., everyone also knew that among the three of us, he was not even close to Dashu, but he instead chose Dashu at the first place to inform about his safe arrival. The plan that I was planning to call him tomorrow and make him talk to me, but now..., I don't think it's necessary anymore. I also have pride. Even though I admit I was wrong because I didn't want to talk to him last night, but his attitude this time was outrageous. Didn't I send a message that I apologized and wanted to talk? At least I've tried to correct my mistake. But he??? He even ignoring and treating me like this.

Today I asked Ryan and Pengpeng out. Watching movies, eating, or doing anything that can make me forget my pain. Why do I have to think of people who don't think about me??? Just wasting my time, right???

Jingyu Pov.

It's been almost a week since I returned to Shanghai and there is no message or called from Weizhou since I don't respond his first message. Wenwen had called several times, but when I told him no need to interfere about my problem with Weizhou, he never called again. Only Dashu always calls even though I rarely pick up his called and still, he sent me a message even though I almost never reply. I've never spent my time alone, except today. I always occupied myself with modeling work or just hanging out with my friends. I will only go home after I felt very sleepy, so I can go to sleep quickly when I get to the apartment. I will directly sleep without thinking about Weizhou again.

I feel something is missing from my life. In the past time, even when Wang hadn't contacted me for some time, I never feel like this time, very empty, there is a hole, and something is missing from that hole. is it HIM? I tried my best and so hard to deny that I lost Weizhou. I try to set my mind that he is no longer my closest person. That he doesn't want me anymore, that he doesn't want my mind to be filled with all things about him again. That he wants me to stay away from him and never disturb his life anymore. That we are a stranger who happens to be brought together because of a job only.

But all of that failed. The more I tried to convince myself about all of that, the more emptiness I felt. During this week, I thought hard, what was my feeling to him. Is it true only as a friend or more than that? I compared my feelings toward Weizhou to Fang and Wang. And I thought Weizhou was among them. My feelings for him are different from what I felt to Fang. Fang is a friend in my good time and bad time, but I never miss him and feel empty when he disappears and busy with his life. Different from Wang. My feeling for Wang is clear that a love. It's not easy to get her to become my girlfriend, and it's not easy to keep Wang to stay by my side as my girlfriend too. Lots of men are waiting for Wang's single status. She is not my first girlfriend, but she is my first love. I can imagine she will be the mother of my children in the future. This feeling and this image of future that I didn't find in Weizhou.

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