Chapter 16: We ... Broke Up ...

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Hi, all my beloved reader, here the update, happy reading.

Translator: SongJiaYu

Author: struggle_wind

Jingyu Pov

"I'm planning the scheduled for a press conference next week, the date November 30th. So, over the next week, we will reduce the portion of the shoot. We're just going to do filming process until up to around 2 or 3 in the afternoon. Afterward, we will be meeting and do rehearsal about what we will do in the press conference later. But for tomorrow, we do not have a shoot. The four of you come to my office. we'll talk about the agenda for this press conference, "said Chai Jie after we finished filming today.

"But boss, do you think it's enough only one week for the preparation? It is a very short time for us to do a preparation ??" asked ChenWen.

"No, it's not like what you think! Actually, we've been preparing this since long time ago, even before we start the filming process. The preparation is not too difficult, because we only introduce the film and the actors of each cast. I already talked to other casts about what they will do in the press conference later. As you know, the other casts do not have a lot of shooting scene, so they have prepared themselves a long time ago. You're just going to introduce yourself and your role. Tomorrow I will give you some notes as your guidance for the press conference. You do not need to follow that note 100%. You can do improvisation, as long as not too deviated from the note that I'm gonna give you tomorrow. And you two (pointing at Jingyu and Weizhou), you will sing a song from Teresa Teng - I only care about you. Soon after arriving at the apartment, you need to find the lyrics and learn together to sing that song. That's it for today nothing else. See you tomorrow, guys".

When Chai Jie and crew had left the Yuzhou's room, FengWen (FenSong & WenWen) still be here. We talk about what we will do tomorrow.

"Our boss it's crazy, right??? How do I prepare for a press conference only a week before that press conference happen???", WenWen grumbled.

"Damn, even only with the crew around me sometimes I'm still awkward, how about in the press conference later???", Now Dashu who complaining too.

"We must sing, Zhou??? I only care about you??? What do you think??? I know the song, but for the rest of my life, I've never had to sing that song. You know my favorite music genre??? And my voice??? I really hesitate with my singing skill, how about the other people who will listen to my singing voice??? Wen, your boss it's a really crazy person!!!! ".

Since earlier, Weizhou just stays quiet. Not even a single word come out of his mouth since Chai Jie inform this press conference to us. And I could not read his expression. He was shocked, confused, or what's the matter?

"Zhou ... Zhou ... Zhouzhou ...", I called out while waving my hand in front of his face.

"Eh ... Yes. Why?", He asked in a daze. But as usual, he was always smiling. Sometimes, I hate his smile. Because he is like covering up something with that smile. Because of that, I cannot get to know him more deeply. He always answered, "It's ok, I'm fine, nothing happened.", with a smiling face when I thought there was something weird of him. And I did not dare ask more if he was like that.

"You do not listen to what boss and us saying, Ge?", Said Wen.

"I heard. It's okay, stay calm, just have faith in your Boss. She certainly has planned this well and prepared for all of this. She just informed us today, meaning it is not much that we need to do in the press conference later, or she believed in our skill to handle press conference situation," he replied with a smile again on his face.

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