Chapter 14: Self-deception

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Hi all here the update, happy reading 😻❤️🐳

Thank our lovely translator SongJiaYu

And also our lovely author struggle_wind

And also our lovely author struggle_wind

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Weizhou Pov

"Zhou, what is that ??" asked Jingyu.


"What is it for???".

"Jingyu, what do you think? Did you not read the novel ???".

"I did".

"But, you do not know what this scarf for??? ckckckckckckcck....".

"You mean, that is the scarf that you will give me at the Christmas???".

"To Guhai".

"Ah, just the same. But why do you trouble yourself to make this? Chai Jie could buy one scarf for the film properties".

Instantly my hands stopped. Yes, yes, why should I bother myself to make it, while Chai Jie can buy it? Yet, the price of a scarf is not too expensive.

"I practice make a scarf. I want to make one for my grandmother. But I'm afraid it might turn out become an ugly scarf. So, this scarf is my trial and I will give it to you. I mean, to Guhai ".

Luckily, my brain works fast and I answered.

"Tch.... I was given a trial item stuff", he growled.

"If you do not want to have it then it will be used only as a filming property. Once the scene is finished, throw away it or whatever it is up to you." I said irritably. Why was he not able to appreciate the hard work of other people. You need to know this scarf is the only one exist in this world because I made it with my own hands. Yet, he responded in that way.

"Boys, let us practice for the next scene. Guhai, you will feed dumpling to Yinzi. Please pay attention to the camera angle. I want you to be ignorant, but at the same time, you really care to Yinzi. While Yinzi, I want you to express fear for the disease, annoyed because of Guhai's act too ignorant, and finally, you obey Guhai action feeding you a dumpling.

"Ready Jie", both of them answered unison.

After several takes, the scene was finally completed in accordance with the wishes of Chai Jie. But my face felt hot. I know, in the novel, Guhai fed me with dumpling. But just now, every time he fed me, our lips touched. And it makes me think of the hot scenes from yesterday.

"Did he kiss you for real?", Suddenly a staff member approached me with a camera in her hand. And for sure she is wanted to make this film BTS.

"Uuummm ....", I replied, nodding and acting spoiled. Hey... I need to reply with a cute face, right? To give a great pleasure to the audience who watch our BTS later ... Hahahaha...

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