Chapter 42: I can't, Wen!

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Hi all, Happy Sunday, here the update, happy reading to all of you, YuZhou lover. And thank you for our lovely author struggle_wind .


Note: italics - Weizhou part

Gēgē ; Brother ; 哥哥

Weizhou Pov.

"Ge, what do you mean when you said Jingyu Gege allergies are near you?", Wenwen asked when we were in my room.

"I don't know, Wen. I don't know why I said that either."

"Ge, do you know why I'm asking for sleep together in a room with you tonight?"

I just shook my head, because I was wondering why he wanted to stay and sleep with me.

"Because there is something that I want to ask you, Ge. I wanted to ask this for a long time ago, but never had a chance, because you were always with Jingyu Gege."

"Hmmm, is this related to Jingyu?"

"Of course."


"But promise, you have to answer honestly".

"Depends on what the question is".

"The problem is whether you want to answer or not. To be honest or not, later I can see it from your face, Ge".

"What do you want to ask about him? I'm getting nervous".

"Do you like Jingyu Gege?"

"What??? What do you mean, Wen??? Of ... of ... of course, I like him. I ...".

"Do you like him more than friends? Like when you like your ex-girlfriend?", Wenwen cut.

"Wen, what the heck? Don't make a joke like that?"

"You think I'm kidding, Ge? I know when I should make joking and when to be serious".

This is the first time I've seen Wenwen's serious face. And it seems like he really knows something.

"Why are you asking like that? What's your reason?"

This time, we sat facing each other and spoke seriously.

"I might look always acting silly, Ge. But I'm not stupid and not blind. I can see everything clearly."

"What do you mean?".

"I see the way you look at Jingyu Gege, during filming, and during breaks. I just don't know what's going on behind your apartment door. I also see how you treat Jingyu Gege, different from the way you treat me, Dashu, especially staff. And when I knew about you went to Shanghai the day after Christmas and stayed at Jingyu's place, it made me even more confident with my assumption all along".

I just silent and looked down. If I deny, I'm sure Wenwen will know and make it difficult for me. But I also did not dare to admit.

"Ge ......".

"Since when did you realize it, Wen?"

"Since your hot scene".

"Who else knows about this?"

"It seems like only me and Boss Chai".

Huh??? Boss realized it?? "

"Ge, you forgot. The reason she made the "Counter Attack" and "Shangyin" novels are because she is a real fujoshi. If she doesn't realize it, she doesn't deserve to be called the Goddess of Boy Loves". (In Japan, female fans are called fujoshi (腐女子), denoting how a woman who enjoys fictional gay content is "rotten", too ruined to be married.)

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