Chapter 12: Who Am I?

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Hi all beloved reader, sorry took me so long update this story, I have been so busy with my real life 🙏🏻

Jingyu Pov.

... bbbuuukkk ... ... ... (sound of someone hitting the floor after falling)

"Ouch, it's hurt, Zhou!!! You want revenge on me???", I say while rubbing my ass.

"Sorry, Jingyu .... sorry... You know, you're so heavy", he said as he scratched his head and smiled shyly.

"Jingyu, try to teach Weizhou, how to carry an elephant like you", said one of the crews.

Elephant??? Don't you see? How can you compare me with an elephant, you cannot find on this earth a handsome elephant like me???

"Come here, I will teach you how to lift with a good and proper, so you do not drop me again", I complained.

"Okay... I understand... Can we repeat again, Ge???"

Finally, the scene repeated once again after Jingyu gives an example of how to carry it and succeed.

"Good ... Now move on to the next scene. We've done this scene several times, hope you guys can act well because this is the only hot scene in this series. So, I want both of you to do this scene seriously, to make this scene become one of the most memorable scenes of this series", Chai Jie gives long explanations.

We both nodded. Then we took the position, with Weizhou above me. It's kind of weird. Although we have had several rehearsals, it seems like this time it will be different. Maybe because this time it will be in the real filming that's will be the part of the series. No joking and teasing to each other. Serious. That's all on my mind right now.

"Guhai, close your eyes. Yinzi, put your hand on Guhai's head, then the other hang on his chest. And then you start kissing his lips. Guhai, you count 1 to 5, then you open your eyes and start kissing back Yinzi", instruction from Chai Jie.

Okay, no problem. I can do it, I can do it with women or men. My kissing skills are above average.

Weizhou holds my head and chest. I do not feel anything. Nothing strange. But when he started kissing me ... it was like ... I do not know ... I've never tasted anything like this before ...

His lips were not as soft as Wang's lips, but not rough either. Eh ... His breath smells mint??? He was smoke before, doesn't he? When is he gargling??? Why he needs to gargle??? And I'm sure, my breath must smell of beer because I had a drink before, even a little. But.......

"CUT!!! Guhai, how long will you close your eyes??? Yinzi has kissed you for 10 seconds". Chen Ge's screams startled me, and I automatically opened my eyes. Weizhou was standing by the bed and silently stared at me.

"Sorry Ge..., Sorry Zhou... Can we repeat again? I did not concentrate, sorry ...".

"Okay ... we repeat again, Yinzi, back to your position", orders Chen Ge.

Unconsciously, my eyes followed Weizhou's movement. He just smiled a little and then nodded in response to Chen Ge's orders. Before he sat on me, he closed his eyes and took several deep breaths. He does not usually look nervous like this.

"Are you ready, Jingyu?", He asked suddenly. I can only nod. Then he climbed into bed and sat on top of me. I saw him take a deep breath once more before I finally closed my eyes.

I felt his hands on my head and chest again. Then his lips. But this time, his lips quivered, unlike before. I start to count 1 to 5 then I opened my eyes, and my eyes filled with his face. Weizhou's face with an unfamiliar expression. Feel strange. But I do not hate him. He just looks ... different ...

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