Chapter 17: Straightened the misunderstanding

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Hi all, here the update, happy reading to you all, the next chapter already translated our lovely translator SongJiaYu, hope tomorrow I can update the next chapter, just need edit little more. thx to our lovely author struggle_wind.


Weizhou Pov.
When I woke up, I was already in bed and as I remembered last night I was crying ... in Jingyu's arms??? WHAT!!!!! CRYING??? IN JINGYU'S arms??? OH, MY GOD!!!! WHAT THE FUCK, ZHOU???!!! I can hold all this matter by myself for a month, then why did I tell Jingyu last night. And plus, I cried in his arms. And besides that, he carried me to the bed. Oh Gosh, how do I face him later? He will tease me all the time.

It's only 3 o'clock in the morning and he sleeps very well. And me, I'm not sure I can sleep again. Slowly, I got out of bed, trying not to wake him up and go to the living room. Today we are not filming. Yesterday Vivie texts us, we need to arrive at the office at 10 am. We can leave at 9:30 am from here. But now I can't sleep anymore. I feel embarrassed because I look weak in front of Jingyu because we always "fight" about who is the manliest among us. But now???? But I also feel relieved, very relieved. The burden that I bear for a month is gone.

Do I still love Yilam? Yes, of course. 4 years is not short of time. We always spend time together. If we can't meet, we always communicate via telephone, chat or video call. We often fight. We also cheated on each other. But because of the love we have for each other, we always find a way to come back to each other. She is like a home to me. She said, I also like home to her. No matter what happens, we will always return to our homes. But this time, I feel different. I feel this time we are really over. Yilam is an amazing girl. She is very beautiful. She is the prettiest of all the women I know. She is smart, funny, friendly, stylish and very patient. Among all men who chased after her, many were better, richer, more handsome and more and more good than me, but she still chose me. When I ask the reason, she says "feeling". And after that, we date. Oh yeah, she didn't know about my family's background, which was pretty good. I used to be a bad boy. I am a metal band group member, heavy smoker & drinker, likes clubbing and likes to "play" with women. But she always forgives me. She believes I can change. Slowly by sure, I changed. I still smoke and drink, but not as bad as I used to. I still like to go to clubbing, but she always comes with me. In fact, we have a "wing" couple tattoo in each of our arms.

Anyway, I changed a lot for the better because of her

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Anyway, I changed a lot for the better because of her. That's why my parents like her so much. Because they had already given up to advise me then suddenly someone (Yilam) could change me for the better. And now, I feel ashamed of myself. She deserves better than me. She deserves to be happy. And I don't deserve to interfere in her way to achieve her dream. I just hope, this decision is the best for us. I also can definitely find someone, even though it's no better than her, I hope she can understand me ... looks like .... hope so ...

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