Chapter 3: Introduction

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After several days, Chai JiDan finally gives a call to Xu Weizhou and told him she already found the other main actor. She asked Xu Weizhou come and give his opinion for her choice. Chai JiDan felt convenient work with Xu Weizhou so she needs to choose the good one for Xu Weizhou partner. Xu Weizhou arrives at 01:00 p.m. and directly go to Chai JiDan office.

Xu Weizhou Pov

"Good afternoon Ms. Chai JiDan." I greet her and held out my hand for shake her hand and then I sit in front of her.

"Good day, Xu Weizhou. I already found him and had a little talk with him about the series. He accepted his role as your boyfriend. But there is one problem, Weizhou." She said worriedly.

"What the problem, Ms. Jie?" I asked her and I also worried.

"I think he fits as Guhai and you become Bailouyin, what do you think?"

"What??? Me, as a bottom??? Ohhh come on Ms. Chai JiDan, can you see how do I look? Which part of me looks suitable for a bottom role?" I asked her with a little bit high tone in my voice. (Let's assume, Zhouzhou angry and disappointed with Chai JiDan words.)

"Weizhou, please listen to me first. Did you say you already read a little bit of my novel, right? that's mean you already knew what kind of Guhai role and Bailouyin role, right? First, let's see your education background. I think this is will be a good challenge for you because Bailouyin role is a tsundere, rough, and high level of dignity. I think this is one of the hard roles to played by the new actor. Beside that he is a model, he never takes any of role, he is a newcomer. And one more thing, his personality similar to Guhai. So, I think you fit become Bailouyin. And the second reason, you will know after you meet him, so what you say?"

Chie JiDan really good at persuade other and for the second time I fall off into her persuasion.

I sluggishly nod my head. But I said to myself, if that person not suitable for me I will leave this project, I have not signed contract etc so Chai JiDan can't sue me.

"Vie, please let him come in." Chai JiDan requests to someone through the phone.

Soon after that, knock on the door and a chubby lady with a man ... enter her office.

I felt weird if I should describe the first impression when he shows up in front of my eyes. It's because I'm a man too. But he is so... manly, it does not like I not manly enough, but his aura/charisma makes me, as a manly person should admit his manliness. His aura/charisma looks like gangster or mafia, as he does not care about anyone around him. I keep on looking at him until Chai JiDan voice calls out my name, maybe she called me a thousand time.

"Weizhou, you don't have to be stunned like that. hahaha.... lets me introduce, this is Huang Jingyu and Huang Jingyu, this is Xu Weizhou."

"Hai... I'm Xu Weizhou." I say while holding out my hand for shake hand.

"Huang Jingyu." he answers coldly then held out his hand to accept my shake hand.

"Huang... Huang Jingyu ...". I repeat again his name, but he just silent not utter any word as if I invisible. Huft... he is a cocky person, it's because he luckily has a handsome face, I cursed him in my mind.

"Weizhou, what do you think? You agree to my offer? You become Bailouyin and he will play as Guhai?" Chai JiDan whisper to Xu Weizhou.

Huang Jingyu keeps looking at me with the weird gaze, I don't understand what that's mean. I saw his hands on his knees. He looks nervous but his face looks like not care about anything, maybe this is the way he acts if he is nervous.

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