Chapter 26: I also have dignity, Zhou

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Happy Sunday all, here the update, happy reading to you all my beloved reader. And again thank our lovely author struggle_wind


Jingyu's Pov.

December 21, 2015.
When I was in the bathroom, I suddenly thought about many things. I realized that shooting soon will over, it was only a matter of days. Time passed full of stories. Starting from people who are totally stranger, but we need to meet and talk every day. Even I need to share a room with my co-star, Weizhou. I am truly blind about acting, often getting praise from bosses and another crew. Even though I know, Weizhou's contribution is very big in my acting development. There are so many lessons that I get here, besides acting. A sense of family, friendship and respect. Here, there is no boundary between the main character and the assistant who always buys food for us. We are all equal. So, no one can be more arrogant, richer, smarter or more. The only difference is only the boss and Chen Ge. Only those who have more "power" here.

Dashu and Wenwen, they really are like a little brother to me. There are always jokes coming out of their mouths. Wenwen looks more feminine than Dashu, but actually, he is a real man. He always treats anyone, especially older people and women, very well. He is always there for anyone who needs help the most. I hear he's also someone who can be trusted. There is no secret coming out of him if someone is talking and sharing problems with him. I don't know for sure, because I never talking or even sharing my own problems with him. He is close to everyone, especially Dashu and Weizhou.

Xu Weizhou ... Where do I have to start??? Just like the others, at first, he was a stranger. Very stranger instead. Unexpected person. When I first met, he looked like a very ordinary young man. Nothing stands out from him, let's say nothing special with him. Maybe because I used to hang out with fashionable models, seeing it with simple makeup and very simple appearance made me "look down" on him. But the next day he surprised me with his super luxury car. The car that I've been able to dream of. Then I thought, he must be typical of a spoiled rich child. Because after I remember, almost all the items he used yesterday were branded goods. But again, he surprised me with his attitude and manners. And added with the story about the band, his dreams and the way he reached his dream ... It seems that I have run out of words for him. WOW...

When I thought I couldn't be more surprised, I was wrong, again and again. So many new things about him. I didn't realize since when I felt he was the person closest to me. Even closer than my girlfriend and friends I've known for years.

Unlike me who likes to act whatever I want and doesn't care about the feelings of people around me, he always tries to make other people happy. Always trying not to disappoint the people around him. If he does too much NG, he will apologize many times to the opponent and the staff. Although the NG is not as much as my NG, still he will do a apologize many times. As for me, I will only say "sorry", then continue filming. (NG = not good = especially one entire episode called "NG" which acts as a blooper reel and we are shown outtakes/BTS (behind the scenes) or "NG" takes of scenes that where was used many times in the series)

I remembered our "quarrel" which finally made me able to pay the bill if we both ate outside. Initially, if the four of us ate outside, Weizhou always paid the bill. After the third time, FengWen the one who protested, but he replied, "sorry, I'm used to it. I feel strange if I don't do it. Besides, you guys are my dear brothers, how can I let you pay for me?". When I say "Well then, because I'm the oldest, let me pay. The three of you are my beloved brothers, how can I allow those of you who pay?" He just laughed, but he still the one who paid the bill. When I arrived at the apartment, I asked him to talk about this:

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