Chapter 2: It's all because of Wenwen

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Xu Weizhou Pov

Finally, I finished my practice today, very late. I hope Wenwen not mad with me because I come late. After parked my car, I stormed out from my car and run as quick as I can to Starbuck the place we promised to meet. I'm very curious with him, why he asked me met him. Ever since the last photoshoot we did together, we never meet again. We only texting each other but not quite often, for example if I saw his picture on magazine cover or on magazine page and if I will perform with my band on stage, he given encouragement to me through texting. He never calls me before.

"Wenwen, I'm so sorry, my practice time little longer than usually because we have new beat, so we need to change the beat."  I said when I was arrived in front of him. I really felt sorry for him, he is waiting for me almost one hour.

"it's okay, it's not a big problem, don't worry about that, I'm enjoying my time here. I really do, as you can see, beautiful girls everywhere." He said. And it's true so many beautiful girls hanging around here.

"Alright, I will order some drink, you want more?" I offering to him.

"No, thank you, bro, don't worry about me, just go and order your drink."

   "Alright Wen, do you want straight to the point or we can chit chat first." I'm asking him and sitting in front of him.

"It's late already, so better we straight to the point bro, you know my boss right, Ms. Chai JiDan, bro?"

So, he told me about his boss called Chai Jidan, her novel, her movie, and she want me as a main role.

Me??? Main role??? Is she serious? Is she in normal condition??? And why me???

Ahhh... never mind, I will think about that after I meet her tomorrow. Anyway, I don't have to accept her offer. I need to take shower now and then going to bed. I'm very tired today, really exhausted.

Next Day

Chai JiDan office looks busy as usual. it's 12 a clock, lunch time already.

Chai JiDan Pov

I must prepare all things, because today I will meet Xu Weizhou. Wenwen told me that he's not talk anything related with Shangyin novel, so he might be not knowing anything about the content of that novel.

"I will look for Bailoyin role after Xu Weizhou accept first main role as Guhai."

Tok tok tok ...

"Come in."

"Good afternoon." greeting come from handsome men that I had been waiting for.

"Welcome Mr. Xu Weizhou, please sit down."

"Thank you and you can call me Weizhou or just Zhouzhou." He is answering and sitting in front of me.

"Thank you for your time, Weizhou, I will make it short and straight to the point, Wenwen already told you about my offer, right?"

Xu Weizhou Pov

I nod my head.

"And what you answer? Are you accept my offer?" she is continue asking me.

"Of course I accept it. Everyone want to be main role." I answer with chuckle.

"Alright, if that so I will look for one man again for main role actor." she said.

"Wait a minute, main role actor? You said I'm the main actor, right? And then why you still looking for another main actor?" I asked with confusion.

"What exactly Wenwen said to you about my offer?" She asked me.

"He said, you are an author, you will make your novel become a movie and I will act as a main role. That's all." I said to her.

"He does not tell you what kind of genre my novel and the movie I will make?" She is asking me.

I shake my head and Chai JiDan too while she rubs her forehead.

"That kid ... Okay, it looks like I have to explain the detail of my novel and movie. It's a gay movie, boys love, yaoi, homosexual, some kinds like that." She explained to me.

I just staring at her at that time, I don't know how to response all this information. It's new things for me. I have some gay friends. But for me to act as gay, I don't know, that something I can't imagine that.

"It's a great opportunity for you to show your acting skill. As I knew, you are taking Acting major at your college, right? You must take all kind of role, even the role that's require you act beyond personality. It's a rare opportunity, not everyone can get chance like this. Can you imagine? How proud your lecturers and your friends if you succeed play this role. You know about the quote, 'From zero to hero'? Maybe you can be one of them." Chai JiDan persuaded me.

She was right. This is may be a golden opportunity for me, I can bring out all lesson that I learned from college. And if I succeed playing this role, perhaps I can get A+ without exams. Main role, it's rare offer, I may not have this rare opportunity again, Oh My God, whatever the role I should play, it's a main role. I got this chance, many of them, model and actor looking for this opportunity. Why I have to refuse this offer?"

"Alright, I accept your offer. May I know who he is, I mean the actor who will become my "boyfriend?" I ask her.

"I want you play as Guhai and your "boyfriend" name is Bailouyin. I still looking for someone who suited with that role. There are some candidate and I will ask your opinion later. I will inform you if I find your "boyfriend". She explains to me with grin on her face.

"Okay then enough for today and I will leave. Don't forget to inform me if you found it. Ms. Jie, thank you for trusting me with this role and good afternoon." I said and shake her hand.

"My pleasure and thank you too for your acceptance, Weizhou."

Ahhh... I can't wait to see my "boyfriend". Now I should find her Shangyin novel so I can read it and get into the character that I played.

Xu weizhou storm out to book store and after he arrive at book store, he directly going to the novel section and looking for Chai JiDan books. After he found what he looks for, he goes home directly to read that novel. He wants to know, what kind of his character on Shangyin novel.

Ms. Chai JiDan said I will play Guhai role, honestly, I amaze how she described him. Guhai is a perfect man. He come from rich family, handsome, strong, and devotedly to his spouse. I think this will be easy for me because Guhai role looks very similar to me. hahahaahahahahha....

And Bailoyin role, he is handsome too, rough, smart and he loves his father so much. Hmmm... I curious who will play his role. It's sound as tough character, he must keep his feeling deep inside because of his pride.

Xu Weizhou continue reading and going into Guhaicharacter and at the same time he also imagines how he will act as Guhai at thescene of making a series.

thx struggle_wind

Chai JiDan & Xu Weizhou - Huang Jingyu <--- precious picture :)

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Chai JiDan & Xu Weizhou - Huang Jingyu <--- precious picture :)

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