Chapter 35: Peng & Ryan

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Hi all, I update again, happy reading to all Yuzhou lover, thank you to our lovely author struggle_wind


Note: Italic is Weizhou part

Weizhou Pov.
Jjjjiinnngggyyuuu ....... sob ...... sob ...... sob ......

Peng and Ryan looked at each other looking at the delirious Weizhou in his sleep. They arrived at the Weizhou apartment at 2 pm, They also brought foods for lunch. At first, they were surprised why Weizhou returned to Beijing after their argument the other day. In addition, he was determined to drive at midnight. They know, there must be something wrong with their best friend. But because the Weizhou cellphone is not active, so they can't ask anything through their cellphones. Finally, they decided to come to Weizhou apartment and will ask directly later.

When they entered Weizhou apartment, they only found a Weizhou bag lying in the living room and a quiet apartment, then they went straight to Weizhou's room, found him still asleep. Just when they were about to leave the room to prepare lunch, Weizhou's delirium sounded. Then the two of them walked to Weizhou's bed and found that the scenery was even more shocking. Weizhou cried in his sleep. They decided not to linger in the room and "gossiping" in the living room.

Peng: Ryan, did you hear what Zhouzhou was delirious about earlier?

Ryan: Very clear. How come? It's weird! Why is he delirious by mention Jingyu's name, even crying.

Peng: Jingyu is the one who became Guhai, right?

Ryan: Yes. Do you remember? Zhouzhou once told us about Jingyu. As I recall, it was the first time that Zhouzhou's face looked different when he talked about a man.

Peng: Yes, you are right. I also remember, at that time you asked "what relationship do you have with Jingyu, Zhou? You told us a story like you being crush with someone".

Ryan: Yes yes, right. He just answered, "don't be silly, bro," while continue laughing at us at that time.

Peng: When he wakes up, we must force him to tell us what is happened between the two of them. This is too weird.

Ryan: Yes. We should!!!

While waiting for Weizhou to wake up, Peng and Ryan busied themselves by cleaning Weizhou's apartment. During filming, Weizhou never returned to the apartment. Yesterday Weizhou got home at Christmas, but it seems like he didn't have time to clean up. Weizhou's apartment was like their (for Peng & Ryan) second home, where they used to gather. Because they don't really like hanging out in crowded places like bars, pubs or nightclub.

"Hey ... when did you two arrive?" Weizhou voice sounded.

"Since 2 hours ago, Zhou," replied Peng.

"2 hours ago? Why don't you two wake me up?"

"You sleep very well. We do not have the heart to wake you up".

"Zhou, let's eat first. We've bought food for us. You definitely haven't eaten, right?" Ryan asked.

"Hhhmmm ... thanks".

Peng and Ryan deliberately did not discuss the issue of Weizhou's delirium at the dinner table. They waited until they finished eating. They must talk heart to heart.

When finished, they sit and relax in the living room. They started the conversation with light things around their lives. But Weizhou was silent. He doesn't even tell what he did in Shanghai. Finally, Ryan could not bear to hold back again.

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