Chapter 13: Cuisine from Heaven

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😻❤️🐳 Hi all my beloved reader, here the update, happy reading ya ...  ✌🏻🤙🏻

Italic: ZZ's inner voice

This chapter is ZZ POV related to Chapter 12. I advise you to read chapter 12 again so that you will not confuse.

Weizhou POV

After I finished smoking, I immediately gargled my mouth. Because the next one is the "bed" scene. I don't want him to make fun of me because my mouth smells when I kiss him. I listened carefully to Chai Jie's direction for the next scene, imagining how to do it. It shouldn't be difficult, because I've read the manuscripts and novels several times for this scene, and we have also done a rehearsal.

As soon as Chai Jie finished giving instructions, we climbed into bed and I positioned myself above Jingyu body. One hand on his head and the other on his chest. Without thinking, I kissed it, according to the script. His breath smelled of beer because he had been drinking a little before we start the filming. But somehow, now I feel dizzy. Or can be say hit by a spell of magic. The smell of beer from his mouth seemed to affect me and make me unconscious, whether I was acting or ......

OMG ... His tongue goes into my mouth. But his eyes remain closed. It shouldn't be time for him to kiss me back. But I can't avoid it. Or I do not want.....?????

"CUT!!! Guhai, how long do you want to close your eyes??? Yinzi has kissed you for 10 seconds !!!". The scream seemed to wake me up. Reflex I wake up and stand beside the bed, but my eyes can't stop from staring at him.

"Sorry Ge ... Sorry, Zhou ... Can we repeat it again??? I wasn't concentrating. Sorry ...".

I can only smile a little when I hear it. Because right now, it's not just my mind that is messed up, but it seems like my heart is messed up too. Oh my God, Weizhou!!! Wake up!!! It's just Jingyu!!! Huang Jingyu!!! And he's a man!!! Remember Yilam, Zhou!!! Those words kept ringing in my head, no matter how hard I drove them out. But I need to be professional, if I can't finish this scene tonight, Chai Jie won't let us rest. So ... let's do it, Zhou ...!!!

"Are you ready, Jingyu???", I asked when I was able to control the emotions inside me. He just nodded. I immediately climbed into bed and positioned myself above Jingyu's body. I close my eyes and take a few deep breaths to calm something that seems to feel chaotic inside me.

I repeated the scene. One hand on his head and the other on his chest. I started kissing him, a little kiss, just put my lips with his lips. But he replied with ... hot kisses??? My consciousness is gone again. I kissed him back, even hotter than before. My lips feel trembling. I do not know why. And don't want to know. All I know now, I just want to kiss him. Then my hand ... my hand goes into his sweater. My brain ordered my hand to stop, but my hand didn't want to obey my brain. And my hand began to unbutton his shirt one by one. Hot... hot... hot... hot... (translator: my pant starts to feel so tight wakakakakakakakak)

"Ttttuuuttt... ttttuuuutttt..." (sound of the phone's ringtone)

According to the script, I sat down and took the cell phone to turn off. Not until a second after I placed my cell phone, he pulled me and positioned me underneath him. And he is continuing to kiss my entire face and neck. His eyes were half closed. Is he drunk??? But to my knowledge, his alcohol tolerance is very high. There's no way he gets drunk just because of one can of beer.

It's hot ... It's getting hotter ... The air also feels very thick. My nose was filled with the scent of his body. His sweat all over me. His breath made me goosebumps. And his eyes ... even though his eyes were only half open, but I could see a clear glint in his eyes. Through his eyes, I can see he lost in lust passionate kiss, he kisses me with lust??? Or am I misinterpreting it??

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