Chapter 34: Everything is messed up!!!

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Hi all, here I update again today, happy reading to all YuZhou lover. Thank you to our lovely author struggle_wind .


Weizhou Pov.

Weizhou Pov

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Brukk ......

Weizhou immediately dropped his body in bed. There was a feeling of squeezing in his chest. Everything just happened, unexpectedly. For several days they spent the day together, never once did Jingyu mention Wang's name. They have even planned many things for New Year's Eve. Depart at 8 am after breakfast, drive around Shanghai before going to Yu-Yuan Park, then eat before heading to Shanghai Tower for dinner and celebrate fireworks with thousands of residents. But now, all failed. Failed miserably. Weizhou's energy suddenly felt exhausted, nothing left. When he said he would return to Beijing, he did not think about distance and time at all. He just wants to get out of Jingyu's apartment immediately. He did not want to see Wang and Jingyu in front of his eyes.

Weizhou realized that what he was thinking was very wrong. But he can't get rid of that "bad" thought. He really wanted to spend a new year with Jingyu. He was even willing to "fight" with his two best friends in Beijing. They were suspicious of my relationship with Jingyu because I wasn't usually as excited as it was to spend important time with someone he just knew, moreover that person was a man. But it's not Weizhou's name if it can't distract them. And now, Weizhou is confused about what to answer if his best friend asks why he returned, after all, yesterday's debates.

Maybe I don't need to go back to Beijing. I'm just in Shanghai ...

But ... Papa Mama will be more suspicious. Because I had come to Shanghai for the sake of Jingyu, but now instead I returned to Beijing. I don't don't want to make them question things that I can't answer.

Aaaarrrggghhhhh!!!!!! Wang!!! Why do you have to screw things up???!!!!!!

It was 2 o'clock in the morning, but not for a moment, Weizhou's eyes closed. His mind and heart were confused, energy seemed to be drained. He wanted to cry, but his pride as a man held him back. How can he cry because of something "absurd" like this??? What if Jingyu and Wang heard the sobs, he had to answer what??? The only thing on Weizhou's head right now is to get out and leave this place as soon as possible. As more seconds passed, Weizhou's feelings and energy were increasingly squeezed.

He immediately took his cell phone to order a taxi, but the battery was only about 20% left. It's enough to just order a taxi until the taxi comes, he thought. So, he didn't charge his cell phone. He will let him die later. Because Jingyu will definitely contact him when he finds out that Weizhou has left his apartment. And Weizhou wouldn't be able to deal with it if he heard Jingyu's voice. Not forgetting he left a message for Jingyu, at least that's all he can do as a guest. Luckily the door to Jingyu's apartment used the code, so Weizhou didn't need to think about the door when he left.

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