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Ryes POV

We finally finished at nandos. We were walking back to the new house. Jack, Mikey and Brooklyn were walking in front of me and Andy. They were laughing about something but I wasn't really paying attention on the I was to busy focusing on the boy next to me. His eyes were the most beautiful blue i had ever seen. And he had the most breathtaking smile i had ever seen... His personality is so amazing. "Rye?" Andy said while clicking his fingers in front of of my face to snap me out of my trance. "Sorry" I muttered as we walked towards are house. I tried to listain there conversation but my mind was on other things.

We finally arrived back at the house and I went to my room. Harvey wasn't staying tonight as he was with blair and Loren. So it was just me. It felt weird being alone in a room. As it has been a while since i have slept in a room alone. I guess I could ask if i could hang with Andy and Mikey. But I should probably change my shirt as have been wearing this one all day. So i grabbed a shirt that Andy liked and walked to the "Mindy" room. I wish it was the Randy room...  I knocked on the door. Wait why did I knock thats not like me. What am i doing?!

"Whats up?" I look up to see Andy. A smile formred on my face as soon as I layed eyes on him. That always happens when i see him. He is just perfect to me and I would never let anything happen to him or "Rye you ok?" Mikey asked now also standing in the door way. "sorry... Can I hangout with you guys?" I asked while trying not to blush. Andy smiled and let me in. Mikey nodded and walked to his bed. We just kinda talked for a bit then I thought I should go as I dont want to over stay my welcome. So I said goodnight and left.

I went back to my room and sat on my bed. Mikey was so lucky that he got to share a room with Andy. I miss not waking up and looking over and seeing his beautiful face. I sighed and layed down on my bed. I reached for my phone in my pocket so i can go through instagram and twitter but my phone wasn't in my pocket. "Must have left in the Mindy room.." I muttered as I got up again and walked out of my room. I didnt knock this time as it was weird last time so I just went in and I saw something...

Mikey and Andy watching a film a bit to close for my liking. They were in Andy's bed watching a movie on Mikeys laptop. Which was normal for us but it hurt me than it probably should have. "Sorry just left my phone" I said and i quickly left there room and went to mine. My emotions were going everywhere. Does Mikey like Andy in that way? Is it just me going over the top? Urgh!!! I shook my head and just looked at a photo of me and Andy when it was just the two of us in the band... Good time!

"Rye..?" I looked up and looked at Andy who just was standing there looking at me. I just watched him enter the room and sit on Harveys bed. "Rye are you ok? You have been acting really weird around me" Andy asked with a look of concern on his face. I have been avoiding Andy only because I start to blush when ever I was around him. And I would start to stutter... "Rye?" I didn't think before I spoke.

"Because I like like you!" I shouted (Sorry i made it sound childish) I covered my mouth! Why did I just say that! Now he hates me! I got up and was about to leave when Andy grabbed my arm. My eyes locked with his,  I all i could do was stair in to his beautiful crystal blue eyes. We stood like that for a split second then Andy dragged me over to my bed and we both sat down. "Rye..." Andy paused which made me tense up. What if he thinks i am a freak?! "I like like you two" He said with a smile at me. I nearly fell off the bed!

Andy the most amazing peron I know likes me back! I felt like a fan girl! But on the outside I tried to look calm... "Really?" I asked with a smile on my face. Which made him smile. "Yes of course! I have always liked you. But didnt know how to tell you." He said as touched my hands. Which made me go red. "Do you want to watch a movie on my laptop?" I asked still a little shocked. He smiled at me then got into my bed.

After 5mins we were both snuggled up in my bed looking for a good film. After a good couple of minutes we started to watch it. But I couldn't focus on the film but the beautiful boy next to me...

1 hour later No Ones POV

Rye had fallen asleep in Andy's arms. And Andy looked over at Rye with a big smile. "Sweet dreams. Love you" And he leaned down and kissed his forehead. Andy turned off Ryes laptop and cuddled rye and fell asleep.

Ok so that was my first one shot sorry if it wasn't very good. I love randy so much

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