Car Crash part 2

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Andy's POV
Finally Ryes coming home today. He was going to come back and sleep in his own bed and I could cuddle with him for as long as I wanted instead of some nurse telling me I had to go. I couldn't wait to be able to see him just walking around the flat in his baggy trousers and amazing hoodies. You don't realise the small things like that until there gone. It was now 2:56 AM I knew that I needed some sleep but I couldn't I was just really looking forward to seeing him. I wasn't going to pick him up from the hospital as Blair said he wanted to. Even though I wanted to be the one to pick him up but Blair said I had to stay behind and help with the suprise. I hugged Ryes hoodie tighter. When I last visited Rye I gave him one of my shirts so he had something of mine that he could cuddle with at night. I remember how he was upset he was when I had to leave but when I gave him my shirt he gave me a strange look then I told him why I gave it to him and the biggest smile I had seen in a long time appeared on his face. My eyelids began to close as I thought about how amazing it will be to see my baby again.  

Mikeys POV
"MIKEY!!!" I felt someone shake me. "Urgh..." I muttered as I rubbed my eyes and looked up at a very excited Andy looking at me. I knew that today was the day that Rye was coming home and I knew that Andy was going to be very excited. "Get up we need to decorate the house and we need to get the food and we need to go shopping a get him some presents and we-""Andy! Calm down! We will make sure that everything's ready for Ryes welcome home party." I interrupted him as I sat up and looked at him and gave him a big smile. And he gave me a big smile back. Its been hard for Andy. He really has missed Rye since the car crash and has had a lot of sleepless nights with out him. But right now I was just happy to see him happy. I missed his big smile, we all did. "I am going to wake everyone else up. Now come on get ready we are leaving in an hour" He said as he gave me a big smile and left the room. I only just realised that he was already dressed and ready to go. "GET UP!!!" I heard Andy shout really loudly at Brooklyn and Jack. All I heard in response was a couple of groans. I better get up or Andy will get annoyed. I got up of my bed and went to get ready.

Andy's POV
I had just finished waking up Harvey, Brooklyn and Jack. I was really excited. I was going to see my baby today! It was 10 AM and Rye was ment to come back to the house at 1 PM and I haven't got anything ready yet. But I will make sure everything is ready for my baby . I can't wait to see his beautiful smile and to see his amazing eyes and "Andy?" I snapped out of my thoughts and looked up at Harvey who was nearly ready. "Yes Harv" I said as we walked into the kitchen to grab some food. We entered the kitchen and I grabbed an apple. "Andy do you want me to go to the cake and some stuff to decorate the house with?" He asked me with a smile on his face. Which made me smile back. "Yes that would be amazing" I said as Mikey walked over to us. "Can Mikey come with me to make sure we have everything?" He asked as he finished his breakfast. "Sure but remember Rye comes back at 2PM so come back between 12:30 and 1 so we have enough time to make sure everything is ready for Rye when he gets back" I said as I throw away the apple core. They both smiled and left the house.

After Harvey and Mikey left I walked into the 'mindy room' and picked up my guitar  and sat down on the floor and stared to play and sing. Ever since Rye went to hospital I started to play the guitar more as it reminded me of are first date. When we had come back from the restaurant and the boys blind folded Rye and bought him into the living room where I was holding the guitar. Rye took off the blind fold and I started to sing perfect while playing the guitar. I remembered his big smile. "Andy?" I looked up to see Brooklyn standing next to me. He sat next to me and smiled "Why dont you play perfect again for Rye?" He asked as he took the guitar out of my hands and put it on the floor. "Ye I am sure I could do it" I said. We both got up and Jack walked in with Blair. "I am going to go and get Rye we should be back at 2, So make sure everything's ready by then" Blair said as he grabbed him car keys. We all nodded and he left. "Ok shall we get going?" Jack asked as he grabbed Brooklyn's hand which made Brooklyn smile. I was a bit jealous that I couldn't hold Ryes hand right now but least he will be home soon. "Yes lets go"Brooklyn said and with that we left the house.

Time skip (Andy, Brooklyn, Jack, Mikey and Harvey were now back at the house and they were getting things ready for when Rye get home)

It was now 1:34pm and we were nearly ready for Rye to come home. Blair had sent me a text saying that they should be back at 1:50pm. So I was running around trying to make everything perfect for my baby. "Andy calm down!" I heard jack say. "Sorry" I said as I stared to calm down a bit. "I know that you want to make Rye feel special for when he comes back but he will just be happy so see us and even more happy to be with you." Jack said with a big smile. Then my phone went off. "We are here are you ready for us" I read it out loud so everyone could hear. "Everything's ready" I heard Harvey shout so I texted Blair back telling him we were ready. "here we go" I whispered to my self as the front door opened...

Blair walked in with a smile and Rye followed him with a smile. "RYE!!!" we all shouted and hugged him. It felt like years since the last time I saw him and right now I was just so happy.  We all pulled away and smiled at him. His arm was still broken and he still had some scars on him but he seemed better than before. "Come here you" He said as he put his arm out for me to hug him which I accepted. It felt so good to be back into his arms. I didn't want  to move it felt so good. I kissed his lips and he kissed back. It was amazing I never wanted to stop but we had to as the boys were there so we had to. We pulled away and everyone dragged Rye into the living room to tell him everything that's been going on. We talked for a while then I felt Brooklyn tap my shoulder "Go and get you guitar" I heard Brooklyn whisper to me so I got up and picked it up. And sat next to Rye. He gave me a smile then I started playing the guitar and singing perfect. He couldn't stop smiling which makes me smile. After I was done I felt him lean his head on my shoulder  which made me smile even more which I didn't think was possible. Just for a minute I thought it was just us in the room until I had finished and everyone started clapping bring me back in to reality. "Shall we watch a movie?" Mikey said as he turned on tv and went on to Netflix. "Sure" Rye said as he cuddled me on the couch like he used to.

thanks for reading. Follow me on instagram roadtrip_tv9876 . I hope you have a good day xx  

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