Why wont you remember me?

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My new favorite picture 😍😍😍

Ryes POV
"Lets go!!" Jack shouted as we ran on stage. It was are last concert so we all wanted to make it a good one. We started singing and everyone was screaming and shouting. People were filming and taking photos of us. Me and Andy kissed a 'few' times and smiled back at everyone. It was going really well. This was the first concert that we had told everyone that Randy was real and everyone is happy for us and suportive of us. Which made me smile. It was time for me to do one of my back flips. I enjoy them. "You ready?" Andy whispered into my ear. I nodded and gave all the boys a look and they all moved away from the center of the stage. I gave them all a smile and did the flip... But I failed the landing badly and started to fall off the stage.

For a moment it felt like the earth stopped. I could see the boys and Andy running towards me trying to pull me back on stage. I could see fans looking around not sure what to do. I feel embarrassed and worried. Then everything went back to normal speed and the last thing I felt was my head smashing the floor...

Andys POV
"Rye!!" I shouted as I dropped my microphone and ran over to him. The boys ran over to as we were all worried as Rye wasn't getting back up! "We need to stop the show!" Mikey whispered to us as we all checked to see if Rye was ok. We all agreed and Blair got on stage and said that everyone had to go now and they will do the show another day as we carefully took Rye back stage.

"Lets call a ambulance" Brooklyn said as he pulled out his phone and dialled 999. I gave Rye a kiss on his forehead as I messed with his hair. I know that he loves it when I mess with his hair. "It will be here in 7 minutes" Brooklyn said as he gave us a very small smile. I feel bad... I should have done something... I should have stopped him! I shou- "Andy, please dont blame yourself" Mikey muttered as he gave me a reasuring smile. I nodded and looked down at Rye. Then we heard the sirens coming closer. It seems weird when you know that the sirens are coming for someone you love... And not for someone else....

The paramedics took Rye to the hospital and we all followed.

2 hours after they arrived at hospital
We were still waiting for Rye to wake up... Time was going by so slow... Why cant time fly now! Each second felt like hours, each minutes felt like days, each hour felt like years. Each second that pasted was another second thinking about Rye... The doctors said that they had ran some tests on him and they were waiting for the results back from the lab. "I hope he is ok..." Jack muttered as we all looked at him. This was the first time someone had spoken since they had got there. Mikey had just been looking out the window, Brooklyn was looking at his phone, Jack was watching tv and I was just drowing in my thoughts....


We looked up to see a very confuesed Rye looking at us. "Rye!!" We shouted as we all ran over to him and hugged him. "Who are you guys?" Rye asked as he tried to push us off. We all stopped hugging him and pulled away... What?! He didnt remember us. Not even me.... The doctor entered the room and we all turned to face him. "I am afraid to tell you that Ryan has amnesia..." The doctor said as he gave us a sad look. I felt like I couldn't breath... Everyone had the same look on there face... A sad, worried look. "It might take sometime before he remembers all of you... Just take him places that you all used to go to... And help him remember all of you guys" The doctor continued as he tried to give us all a smile. But no one smiled back. Not even Rye, he was messing around with my fingers as I was the closest to Rye. He looked so delicate and he looked sad. I want to see Rye smiling... "You can take him home when your ready" The doctor said as he left the room

Time skip (the boys are driving home)

Me and Rye were sitting in the front of the car. Mikey and Jack and Brooklyn were sitting in the back. No one was talking. "Rye?" I asked as I tried to make conversation. "Yes..?" He responded as he looked at me. I could tell that he was trying to remember are names. "Andy.." I said as I gave him a smile to show that I wasn't annoyed at him for forgetting my name. He gave me a smile as I continued with my question. "What do you want to eat?" I asked as I turned into asda as we needed some things from there. "I cant remember where we all used to eat.." He muttered as he looked down. I felt so bad for Rye... It must be awful to not remember anything... "Asda!!!" Jack and Brooklyn shouted as they smiled. "Hey Mikey do you remember when I rode that unicorn" Rye said with a smile.

We all froze..."Mikey!?" Rye shouted as we all smiled! Rye remembered someone. "Oh My God! Rye!" Mikey said as he smiled. At least he remembered someone. I wish that Rye would remember me... But I am sure he will. "Lets go!" Jack shouted as we all got out of my car and walked into Asda. We walked around Asda and picked up some supply's when Rye stopped in the pet food section. "What's up Rye?" Brooklyn asked as we all waked over to Rye. He gave us a smile and started laughing. We all looked at eachother a bit confused, then looked back at Rye with a smile to show him that he wasn't going crazy. "Hey Jack do you remember when you tried to eat dog food on pizza and you failed badly" Rye said with a smile. Then we all looked at Rye and we all smiled at eachother. It still hurt that Rye didn't remember me yet.... "Rye least you are starting to remember us" Brooklyn muttered as we all went to pay for are food.

We decided to go for a run into the woods. As Rye loves to running in the woods. "Rye..." I said as I dragged him to one side. I wanted to tell him that we are going out.... As he seemed to have a forgotten. Which hurt! "Rye... I don't know if you remember but we are going out..." I muttered as I tried to give him a smile. He just gave me a blank look then looked down. "I am sorry... B-But I cant remember..." Rye muttered. I felt like my heart had been ripped in two... I looked at Rye... I think he was crying... So I gave him a big hug. "I am sorry Andy... I can't remember being your boyfriend" Rye cried on my shoulder. He must feel guilty for not remembering me.. "I am sorry" Rye kept repeating. "It's ok.... You will remember soon.." I muttered as we pulled away and I gave him a small smile... Why can't he remember me!

"Let's go running!!" Mikey said as we all started to run. We all started to run towards the tree that Brooklyn climbed and fell into the river. Good memories... We were all talking about this and that. But Rye was silent... He was running and was trying to remember more things. We finally made it over to the tree and we all stopped by the tree and talked for a bit. "Rye??" Jack asked as we all looked at him. Rye was starring at the tree and smiled. "Brook do you remember when you fell in the river" he said with a smile. Rye has remembered everyone else but me.... Why can't he remember me... "Let's go home..." I muttered as I walked away from the boys. I could tell Rye was starring at me.... Maybe I should just move on from Rye...

Back at home

I walked into the Mindy room and sat on my bed looking at my phone. I think the boys got the message that I want to be alone... "Andy?" I turn around to see Rye. I didn't want to ignore him... "Ye..." I muttered as I looked into his eyes. He looked scared and confused.... So was I... He picked something up off the table and sat down next to me. "I remember when you have me this promise ring... It was on are anniversary and you took me out to dinner and you gave it to me under the stars.... I still remember that day. I love you so much and I am sorry that it took me so long to remember you." He said as he gave me a big smile. He remembered me! At last!!! "I remember that day like it was yesterday. I have missed not calling you babe..." I said as I gave him a kiss. I felt him melt into the kiss. It felt good. We pulled away when we heard Mikey standing at the door.

"I see that you have now remembered Andy..." Mikey said with a smile. Rye blushed like mad and looked at the floor. He is so cute. Even though everyone knows we are going out Rye was still a bit shy. Which I find cute. "I am tried.." Rye muttered as he layed down on my bed. I smiled at him as he got comfortable. He pulled me closer to him and we both fell asleep.

Thank you for reading X. I also wanted to say thank you for all the kind comments! Thank you so much xx. Thank you for 697 votes!!! And 9.71k reads (thats what my phone says) !!! It means a lot thank you all! I will stop now because I don't want to sound like I am being rude or anything. I hope has had a good day x❤❤

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