It wasnt love (part 2)

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So heres part two of this oneshot. Thank you for all the yes coments. I hope you like this!

I woke up with a massive pain in my head... All I could see was darkness. I was left in the inky blackness: alone. Nobody was there to comfort me, nothing was there assure me. Just me, myself and I. A hole in my heart was dedicated to Andy and I tried to fill it with a replacement. Jake. I still remember his twisted smile. I have never felt so vulnerable.  I still couldnt believe that I escaped Jake... But right now I wanted to escape my mind. But it felt like I couldnt... Help me... How many times do I have to keep say those two words. Help. Me... I feel weak when I say those words. Maybe I am weak. And this is what I get for being weak. Maybe I deserve to be alone...

Then I felt myself being dragged into the light. I opened my eyes to be blinded by everything around me. I could feel all the agony that me body was in... Am I dead. If so then why do I still feel pain? I tried to sit up but I was too weak... I turn my head to my left to see wires and machines attached to me... But there was no one there... I am alone... I turned my head to my right to see empty chairs. I am actually alone... It reminded me of Jake. He was right I am always alone..

Everytime I blinked I could see his soul starring eyes looking at me. I felt tired so I closed my eyes for a second...

"Rye..." Jake whispered as he sat opposite me. We were in a pitch black room just sitting on the floor with a candle in the middle of us. His smile was ten times more evil. And his eyes... I couldnt even describe them. Maybe he was the devil. "Rye... I am coming for you.. And when I find you I am going to experiment on you" he said as he pick up a knife and smiled. He brought it up to his face and licked it. Blood started pouring down from his tounge... "Lets play a game of hide and seek. You go and hide and I will come and find you. And when I find you I will say 'Found you!'. Now go hide." he said then brought the knife towards me.

I screamed and sat up. "Rye!!" I turned my head to see all the boys sitting on the chairs that I had previously seen empty. "Guys?" I said but I dont think it was that loud. They all jumped off there seats and ran towards me and gave me a hug. "Oh my god Rye! Thank god your ok!" Mikey said as he gave me a big smile. I tired to give him one back but it hurt alot. "What happened between you and Jake? If its ok to ask" Brooklyn asked as he squeezed my hand. I thought for a moment. "Err well we went out for dinner and as soon as he smiled I knew that something wasnt right. Then he basically forced me into his house... Then t-tortured me and raped me and expertimented on me..." I cried at the last sentance. Even when you know somethings bad. Do you ever feel like when you say it out loud it sounds worse? Maybe its just me. "Aww Rye. Please dont cry. The police are looking for him as we speek and I- I mean we wont let him hurt you or even look at you ever again." Andy said as he climbed in to the hospital be with me. This all started because I was trying to move on from Andy... But I couldnt. I cried into his shoulder while he rubbed my back. "Why dont I change the topic" Mikey said as he started to talk about something else.

Is it weird that even in a room full of people who love you and you still feel alone... I was trying to pay attention to what Mikey and Brooklyn were saying but I couldnt. The dream kept coming back to me. It felt like he was behind me right now. Breathing down my neck. Just the thought made me shiver. "Are you cold?" Andy asked was he rubbed my arm. "No. Just... Can you all do me a favor?" I asked as I looked into all of there eyes. They were full of love and care. Not hate and Anger.... "Of course Rye!" They all said. I took a deep breath. "I know this will sound stupid but can you never say 'found you' again." I said. Even thinking of those words scared me. Is this who I am now... A scared guy. I dont want to be one... "Ok.." Mikey answered sounding confused. I didnt really blame him for. I would be too...

Time skip (2 days after Rye has been sent home for hospital)

I was sitting in my bed looking at my phone. My body still ached with all the scars. No one was in the room with me... I was alone. I looked up at the mirror in mine and Harveys room. I looked better than I had done over these last couple of days. "Hello Rye.." I saw Jake in the mirror sitting on Harveys bed... I turned my head to see no one there. "Get out of my head!!" I shouted as tears ran down my face. I burried my face into my pillow and cried. "I will find you soon Rye~" Jake chanted over and over again in my head. I still remember when Jake said that to me. When he first hit me... "Stop!!" I shouted as I cried more.

The door swung open. "Rye.. Shhhhh. He isnt here. The only other person in the house is me." Andy said as he ran over to me and hugged me. I hugged him back and dried my eyes. I am weak... "Sorry... I shoul-" "dont say sorry. You havent done anything wrong. I would be upset and scared too if someone like Jake did that to me to" He said as he pulled away from the hug and made me lie on my bed with him. Seeing Andy like this makes me feel many things. I am grateful, sorry and just a bit of everything.... I dont want to be weak anymore... Its time.

"Andy... Look I am just going to say it. I love you ok. I have done ever since the moment I have laid eyes on you. The only reason I went out with Jake was to try and move on from you but now I know that" I paused and took a deep breath... " I could never love anyone as much as I love you. I under stand if you dont feel the same. If you dont then I will live." I said as I sat up and look away from him. Now he will leave me... Now I will be alone... I felt something touch my hand so I turned around to see Andy holding it. "Rye... I love you too. It hurt me to see you going on that date with Jake. And it pained me to see you in hospital...." He paused. And patted the bed for me to come back and lay down on. So I lay down next to him and lay me head on his chest. I liked this... "Rye... Will you be my boyfriend?" Andy asked as he messed with my hair. "Yes!!" I said and I cuddled closer to him.

Time skip (3 months later)
It was mine and Andys first proper date. Over these last couple of months Andy has been helping me get through all my nightmares, the pain in my back and so much more. I love Andy. I dont see Jake in my dreams or hear him anymore which I am greatful for. "You ready?" Andy said as he walked up to me. He was breathtaking.... He was wearing black jeans a white t-shirt and one of my hoodies. "You look amazing!" I said as I blushed. "You dont look to bad yourself" He said with a cheeky smile. " I am ready lets go" I said as we held hands and left the house.

We arrived at a pizza restrant. And sat down at one of the tables next to a mini fountain in the middle of the room. It was beautiful... He was beautiful... "What do you want to eat?" The waiter asked as he gave us a smile. I squeezed Andys hand as I was still a bit worried of strangers. Andy squeezed back. Andy said are orders and the waiter went away. "I love you.." I said as Andy gave a big smile. "I love you too" Andy responded. We started to talk about this and that.

When I felt something tap my shoulder. Must be the waiter so I turned around and I froze...

"Found you..."

I hope this was good. I tried to make this a bit differnet to what I noramlly do. Have a good day.

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