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Warning it has abuse in this please don't read if you don't like things like this. I don't know why I typed this but I did so here we go...

Ryes POV
It was a really cold day and I was walking home from the gym. Andy had called me before i left the gym and told me I had to be home soon as Blair wanted to to us about the tour. So I decided to take a short cut through this alley. Even though it was cold it was wasn't cloudy so the sun was out. I was just walking past these two tall guys when my phone rang. So I answered it. "Hello?" I said as I stopped walking and put the phone to my ear. "Hey are you nearly home?" Mikey said. "Ye, nearly" I answered then I felt someone grab my shoulder so I turned around to see who it was... It was one of the men that I had passed. "Wha-" Then felt something stab into my neck. He pulled it out again it was a big ass needle! I dropped my phone and then I fell to the ground. "Sleep tight" He one of the men said then everything went black...

I woke up.. My head spinning, my vision was blurry and I couldn't feel my feet. I tried to sit up but my hands where shackled to a bed in the middle of the room. Where am I? I looked up to see the other man staring at me with his black eyes. "Nice to see that you have woken up" He said with a evil grin. He got up from his chair and walked over to me and sat next to me. I tired to move away from him but I couldn't! I want to get out! I wanted this to be some sort of funny joke but it wasn't. "What have you done to me!" I shouted as I looked  down at my hands. My eyes sight was coming back to me. My hands were covered in blood and now knew why I couldn't feel my feet. He had broken both of my ankles and twisted one of them. "AHHH!!!" I screamed. I want to go home! Why me?! I could feel the tears running down my face. I want Andy!!!!!!! "Let me go!! WHY ME???!!!" I screamed as I felt more tears running down my face. He put his hand on my leg and starred into my eyes. "You want to know why you?" he asked as he got up off the floor and made his way over to the door. "yes..." I said as I looked at myself in the mirror which was opposite me. I had cut all over my face and my noise was broken. "Hello there Rye"....

"Elizabeth.." I muttered as she came closer to me. It had been over a year since I had last seen her. I remember braking up with her as she was a evil bitch... "What do you want?!" I shouted at her trying not to sound scared but I was terrified. " I want you" She said in a sickly sweet voice and then tried to push her a way but I couldn't. What every the men had injected me with the affects hadn't wore off yet so I still felt weak. She finally stopped and stood up and looked down at me. "Look Rye there are two ways we can go. 1) We pick up from where we left off and live together of ever. 2) You stay here till you die your choice" she said with an evil smile. I don't want to die here but I don't want to break up with Andy. He is my everything. I remember when I broke up with me, Andy was always there to talk to. He is so sweet and kin- "Rye ! What is your choice" She shouted which made me jump. "I would rather die than be in a abusive relationship again!" I spat out at her.

She started laughing. Out of everything that she had done to this point this was the most terrifying thing. It reminded me of when we used to date and when ever I tried to stand up to her she would just laugh at me. "Ok then lets have some fun" She said as she picked up a belt and a pipe. "Andy.." I whimpered as I imaged myself back in his arms.

1 hour later
I want to go home. I had been burnt, hit, cut and even rapped. I hate this. She never changes... My whole body ached and I was lying in a puddle of my own sweat and blood. "Please..."I muttered as she got up and walked out the room. I was shaking really badly. Everything will be ok... I kept repeating to myself. The both of the men from before came in the room. One of them was dragging a chair the other was dragging someone with a bag on there head. He was screaming and crying and I already knew who it was. Andy! The man smashed the chair down infront of me grabbed the bag off his head. And shoved him on the chair while the other man shackled him to it. "Rye.." he said through his tears. I wanted to get up and hugged him and tell him that everything was going to be alright but I couldn't move. The two men left the room. Then she walked in...

"Rye... I told you you made the wrong choice" she said so sickly sweet. She pulled out I knife and brought it his neck. "Good bye Rye" Andy said. Then she was about to slit his thought...

I screamed!!! I woke up in my bed. I way shaking and sweating like mad. I couldn't hold back the tears. I brought my knees up to my chest and burred my face in them. "Rye? baby talk to me" Andy whispered and he pulled me into his lap and messed with my hair. I was still crying and shaking.After another 5 minutes of his I dried my eyes and sat up to look into Andy's concerned eyes. "Baby tell me what's wrong" he said with a worried look in his eyes. "I had a nightmare... whe-where I was taken by m-my ex. And--  and she abused me again and then she... Killed you" Then I burst out crying again. The thought of Andy dying put set me a lot. Andy knew about my ex and how she used to treat me. "Rye.. shhh She will never hurt you again. I will make sure of that. And I would never leave you. I love you" Andy said as he kissed my forehead. "I love you too. Your the best boyfriend ever and I couldn't live without you" I  said as we both lay down.

I cuddled into Andy chest. He wrapped his arms around me and rubbed my back. "Sleep baby I will be here" he said as he kissed my forehead repeatedly. I nodded and closed my eyes. "Night" i muttered and fell alseep.

Thanks for reading. Sorry if this wasn't very good. I will try and do something more happier next time. Night xx

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