It wasn't love

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Please go and read my best friends new book. Her account is @3bumblebee3
It would mean a lot to me xx

Ryes POV
"Help me!!!" I screamed as I tried to run out of his house...

2 days before...

"Rye you ready?" Jake asked as he straightened his shirt. "Yes. Can i just grab my phone?" I asked as I gave him a smile. "Sure." He said as he gave me a smile back. It was our 1st proper date and I was a bit nervous. I walked back in to the 'Rarvey' room and picked up my phone. "Rye?" I turned around to see Andy smiling at me. "You look amazing" he said which made me smile and blush. "Thank you" i said as he gave me a smile back. "If you need anything call me" Andy said as he gave me a concerned smile. "Ye I will" I said and with that I left my room. I saw Jake and he gave me a massive smile. "Lets go" he said as I closed the door.

We arrived at the restrant and Jake helped me out of his car like a gentalman. We both sat down at the table and order some food and drinks. "You okay?" Jake asked me with a smile... Something wasnt quite right with hus smile. I dont know what it was but it wasnt a real smile. "Ye... Just a bit nervous" i said as I gave him a smile then took a sip of my drink. "Dont be nervous! Nothing bad is going to happen!" He said as are food arrived. I was so hungry! So I started to eat. "Your hungry!" He said then started to laugh. His lagh was terrifying. I think I want to go home. "Hey after this food do you want to come back to mine.." Jake said in a mischevious voice. I wanted to go home now. I wanted to be with Andy and the boys. "Err sorry I have to be up early tom-" "I said after this come back to mine. I didnt ask you I told you!" He said as he gave me a angry look. Wtf! I want to go now. But the look he gave me was scaring me. His eyes were looking in to my soul. I nodded... "Good." He said as he smiled and carried on eating.

After we had both finished eating. Jake asked for the bill. I took out my wallet and took out some money. "No. My treat" Jake said as he pushed my walit back into my pocket. I smiled at him and he smiled back at me. After we had paid he dragged me out of the restrant and grabbed my hand. I tried to pull away but he wasnt letting go. "Rye relax we are going to have some fun back at my place" he said with a more evil smile. Which I didnt think was possible... He carried on dragging me until we stopped at a house.

It wasnt a very big house but it wasnt small either. It was a mordern, white house. "Lets go and have someone fun" he said as he dragged me into his house. I was really freaked out now. He dragged me over to his room. He opened the bedroom door and then shoved me in to the room. "I should be getting home" I said as I tried to push past him but I couldnt. "Why?" He asked in a evil voice as he slapped me then roughly grabbed my neck and pushed me on to his bed. I tried to get back up but he held me down. "Time for you to go to sleep and for me to have some fun!" He said. I looked into his eyes and I swear I could see his eyes turned red for a split second... Then he pulled out a needle from his bedside draw. I hate needles! Only one person knew about my fear was Andy and I wanted him now! "Noo please stop! I am begging you!!! Why do you want to do this to me?!" I screamed out. "Shut up!!" He screamed at me the ingected me! I could feel the liquid going through my veins! It burnt like hell. I screamed. It felt like lava going through my veins. "Sorry wrong one.." He muttered as he pulled out another needle and injected me again. Then I felt my eyes slowly close.

I woke up with a massive pain in my head. I tried to rub my face but I couldnt. I looked up and saw my hands were changed up to this metal post in one of the couners of the room! Then I realised that I wasnt in his room anymore. I was just was in a dark room with a little candle in the middle of the room. I tried to scream but I couldn't. Please... Someone... Help! I looked down to see I was just sitting on the floor in my boxers. My body ached and it hurt so much. I looked down to see my body cover in cuts and bruses and burns. I was in agony!!! I started crying all I did was go on a date with a guy online. I only did this as I was trying to get over the fact that I love Andy....

"Look who has finally woken up" jake said in a sarcastic voice. I tryed to move away from him but I couldnt! I tried to shout but I couldnt even open my mouth. "I have a fun idea" he said with a evil smile. He was shirtless and wearing black skinny jeans. He kept touching my cuts and burns. "I had fun last night! Sorry about the cuts aand burns and bruses but I enjoy hurting people" he whispered into my ear as he stroked my cheek. I cried more. I want to go home. I want to get out of here!! "Now your awake lets have more fun! But first I want to try something!" He said with a smile. Ok I want to go now!!! Please I am begging the boys to come and save me. " look.. I wanted to test something out! It will either make you live a couple of years longer or it will burn you" he said as he pulled out the biggest needle I had ever seen! I started trying to move away from him but I couldnt. Then he stuck the needle in my arm. "Now let me have some fun!" He said as he removed my boxers and got out a belt....

I woke up now just on the floor. I wasnt tied up to anything now. I was just on the cold floor. "I want to go home!" I cried. Everything hurt! But I need to get out! I sat up and saw my jeans in the courner of the room so I reached over and put them on. It hurt so much to move! I stood up and looked around this room. My back hurt like hell. It felt like aload of hot knives in my back. "Door..." I muttered as I walked over to the door. Thankfully it was open! I ran out of the room and screamed "Help me!!!" I screamed as I tried to escape from his house. "Where do you think your going?!" Jake shouted as he started running towards me. "Shit!!!" I shouted as I tried to open the door. Luckly it did and I ran out of the house.

I kept running back to are house. I was shaking like mad! I was just running shirtless down the street. Blood running down my back, tears running down my face and i felt like I couldn't breath. I opened the door to see Andy and the boys talking to a police officer. "RYE?!!!" Andy shouted as he ran over to me with the boys close behind. I burst out crying! "What happened?!" Brooklyn asked as he looked at my body. "Ja-jake. Forced me back to his ho-house... And did stuff to me!!" I cried out. The boys hugged me then I felt light headed and then everything went black...

Should I contine this?

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