Last time I will see you

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I just got home from summer school and it was rough but i am back xx thanks for the 50k it means so much. Xxx. Love you all xx also this is a sad chapter because that is how i feel.

Ryes POV

The rain came down and tapped softly against my bedroom window. The night was slowly crawlling in. The wind started to pic up. Its strange how one day the sun could be shining and happy then the next you could be sitting there in the cold wishing you could take back what you did. But sadly you could never take the back the bad or good things you did... All I have are memories. Memories of Andy. Memories of the band. Memories of being part of something massive but then it got taken away from me...

(Back to when it happened)

It was a the start of summer when the sun started to shine and it was actually warm and it was actually a nice day. Which was rare because normally summer in England was slightly warm sun with lots of rain. So the weather was a big improvement. Today was the day I had planned on asking Andy to be my husband, which I was very excited to do.We have been going out for two years and they have been the best two years of my life! I had loved Andy for years now and it was always him no one else.  As soon as I set eyes on Andy I knew he was the one I wanted and nothing would ever change that. I took a deep breath as I started singing God Is A Woman. I loved singing this cover and it was nice to relax before I started the most worrying day of my life. The cover was going well when I started singing with Andy. When ever I sang with Andy I forgot about everyone else in the room and would only thing about him... It was like he had my heart and he could control it when ever he wanted...

When we finished singing God Is a Woman, we all went back to the flat to relax and eat dinner but I wasn't hungry. There were to many butterflies in my stomach so even if I tried to eat I didn't think I could keep it down. The sun was starting to set and a warm breeze filled in evening sky as we arrived back home into the flat. 'Come on Rye!' I told myself as I walked into the kitchen\ Andy and Mikeys room. I saw Andy sitting on his bed looking at his phone while Mikey was doing a bit of editing on his laptop. They were both listening to Take This Home. I went over and sat next to Andy. Normally he would have looked up at me and said hi and smiled, but all he did was look at his phone... I ignored it (I wish I hadn't). "Andy?" I asked trying to get his attention... He looked up for a second then his phone buzzed so he went back to looking at it... Strange I had thought. "Do you want to go out for dinner just me and you?" I asked trying not to sound nervous. I could tell Mikey was listening in but at the time I didn't care.

Andy didn't say anything for a couple of minutes but then put his phone down and hugged me and whispered "Of course". Which brought a massive smile to my face and he smiled his amazing smile back. Then his phone went off and he stopped hugging me and went back to texting whoever he was talking to... I just got up and left the room. 'Andy loves you. He said yes remember? Stop being jealous like Andy tells you not to be. If Andy didn't love you then why would he act like he did' I kept telling my self as I walked back into my room for a bit so I could get ready for a hopefully nice dinner. 

I was nearly ready when Brooklyn came in to my room and asked if he could talk to me... "Rye? Why is Andy just staring at his phone 24\7?" He had asked. I should have known that something was up but I didn't. "He is probably just texting fans or his family" I had said not really sounding sure tho. Brook had just nodded but I could tell he wasn't happy with that answer but I guess he didn't want to push it. We both carried on talking until it was time for me and Andy to leave. I quickly got a pair of shoes on and walked back over to  the living room where Andy was.

He was sitting in the same position as I left him. Lying on his bed, on his phone texting that same person. It looked like a girl. But before I could get any closer Andy had moved the phone away from me and got up from his bed and gave me a hug and a kiss while I gave him one back. "Ready to go?" I asked with a smile as Andy grabbed a pair of shoes from under his bed. He nodded as he put his shoes on, I didn't think about him acting this strange untill after this happened...  We both left the house and made are way to a 4.6 star restaurant called The Ledbury. It wasn't cheep at all but tonight was going to be a big night. As soon as we went inside I heard Andy gasp in awe as we sat down at are table for two.

We were sitting on a table near the window, which had red rose petals covered on it.  There was a beautiful atmosphere around us. It felt like it was just me and Andy in the room together and I wish that could have lasted forever... We both sat down and I ordered us some Champaign and 2 starters. We sat there talking about this and that. Andy's beautiful blue eyes were shimmering under the lighting and his dimples were showing which made him look so cute and innocent. Everything was going so well until Andy's phone buzzed... He reached it out of his back pocket and began to text who ever it was back. "Please put your phone down... We are ment to be having a romantic evening..." I said as he gave me a annoyed look but put his phone down and we carried on talking until his phone went off again... And he texted them back and put his phone back down. This had gone on all night...

It was finally time for me to pop the question. We had  both had just finished our main courses and I was ready to ask Andy. I took a deep breath and got down on to one knee. The entire room went silent... It felt like the earth had frozen. "Andy. I love you. Ever since I have met you I couldn't get you out of my mind. We have been going out for 2 years now and I want to call you more than my boyfriend, I want to call you my husband... Andy will you marry me?" I asked as I looked up at him with hopeful eyes...

"I am sorry but no" My heart stopped beating... What did I do wrong. All I could do was watch Andy get up and leave the restaurant...  Everyone was still looking and me holding the ring, on one knee. I quickly got up and paid for are dinner which was 400 pounds and ran out of The Ledbury with tears in my eyes. I was now just walking around London at 11pm... I didn't know what to do... My life felt like it was over. I carried on walking but I didn't know where I was walking to...

"Rye?" I turned around to see Andy with this other girl? "Rye I was going to tell you but I couldn't.." He started but I wasn't really listening. It all made perfect sense. Andy was cheating on me... He never really loved me. I just loved him. "BUT YOU ALWAYS KISS ME AND HUG ME WHEN WE DO MEET AND GREETS WITH THE FANS?! " I had shouted and cried at the same time. It felt like my whole world had been hit by one big avalanche. "It was all fake..." Andy muttered as he looked down. That's when my heart finally broke into two... "You lied to me... You just didn't care... I was there for you! I cared for you! BUT YOU NEVER CARED FOR ME!" i couldn't stop crying now... Maybe I shouldn't even be here... "Who else knew that you were faking it?" I asked as I tried to calm myself down. Andy went silent and held Andy's hand... Like I used to do..."All of the boys and Blair.." Andy said... My heart felt like it stopped... Everything around me was a lie.. One big fat heart breaking LIE!

I couldn't take it anymore I had ran away from Andy and his girlfriend... Here I was again walking around London when I got a phone call off Jack? I answered it. "Rye? Where are you?" He asked but I wasn't in the mood for talking to anyone but all I said was, "I quit being in roadtrip! I am sick of being lied to by all of you! Don't any of you guys talk to me again!" I shouted in to the phone. "Rye we didn't tell you because it would break your hea-" I hung up on him. I didn't care why. I cared that they didn't tell me. I can't ever look at them again.

I decided to go home.

(Present day)

The rain came down and tapped softly against my bedroom window. The night was slowly crawling in. The wind started to pic up. Its strange how one day the sun could be shining and happy then the next you could be sitting there in the cold wishing you could take back what you did. But sadly you could never take the back the bad or good things you did... All I have are memories. Memories of Andy. Memories of the band. Memories of being part of something massive but then it got taken away from me...

I hope this oneshot was ok. I need to get back into them. I wrote this cuz my ex was cheating on me so I did a cheating one. I hope everyone is having a good day

ight xx thanks for reading x -Lauren xxx

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