I wish you were mine

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Ryes POV
Me and Andy were in mine and Harveys room. We were cuddling in my bed and just talking about the band in general. We had been dating for nearly a week now but we hadn't told Blair or the boys yet. As we were worried on how they would react. "When do you think we should tell them?" I asked as I kissed him on the cheek. He looked back at me with his beautiful eyes and said "I dont know lets tell them when Blair and Harvey get back so we tell them all at once.". I smiled at him. "Ye, sounds good. I just hope everyone is happy for us" I said as we cuddled. Andy was about to say something when Mikey came in. He looked at Andy and smiled at him but when he looked at me he didn't seem as happy but i don't know. "Andy do you want to watch the footy with me and jack?" He asked as he stood there in the door way. Andy thought for a moment, I didn't mind if he went to watch football. "No thanks I will watch it again later?" He said with a smile. I couldn't believe Andy choose me over football... I really love him. "Oh ok.." Mikey muttered but he sounded quite upset. After Mikey I looked over to Andy and gave Andy a kiss on the lips which he accepted with a kiss back. I picked up my laptop and we sat and watched a movie.

Mikeys POV
I can't believe it. Why didn't Andy want to watch football with me. Over the past week Andy has spent more time with Rye which hurts. I really love Andy but I think he likes Rye. Doesn't mean I still can't go out with him. I will just have to win him over. I was about to go back to mine and Andy's room when I saw Brooklyn sitting on his bed looking at something on his phone which was making him smile. I walked in to the room. "Hey Brook want to watch football with me and Jack?"I asked with a smile. Brooklyn jumped and quickly hid his phone from me. "What are you hiding?" I asked as I sat next to him. He looked at me with a worried look. Me and Brook had been really good friends from the start of the band so I hoped he trusted me enough to tell. "well.. Dont judge but I think I like like Rye" He said and then looked down at his feet. I was a little shocked. I liked Andy and Brooklyn liked Rye and Jack told me that he liked Harvey. Wait I have an idea. "I like like Andy...Andy and Rye having been hanging around eachother a lot this past week"I said as I looked at Brooklyn. He gave me a smile then asked "Do you think there dating?" I looked at him and shrugged. "They might be but doesn't mean we can't still go out with them... I have a plain" I said. "Look why dont w-""Guys are you coming or not?" Jack said as he came in to his and Brooklyn's room. We both got up and walked to my room.

The next day.

I told Brooklyn what we should do and he agreed with me. "You ready?" I asked him and he gave me a smile back to say yes. The plain was simple. Brooklyn was going to tell rye that Andy and Jack kissed passionately  which would make Rye upset and shout at Andy then Andy would come running to me and I can look after him.  And Brooklyn can look after Rye then me and Brooklyn can get harvey and Jack together. Lets hope this works.

Brooklyn's POV
I was a little nervous to do this as I hoped this worked but at the same time I hope it didn't ruin are friendship. Andy was with Jack cooking some breakfast for everyone. So I made my way over to Rye and Harveys room. I opened the door and saw Rye lying on his bed  looking at his phone. "Hi "I said as I tried to find the write words to say. "You ok you seem a bit worried" He said as  he stopped looking at his phone and then gave me a signal to sit next to him. So I did. "Look I dont know how to put this but..."I started and looked at him. He looked so hot. "But I saw Andy and Jack kiss really passionately... The reason I am acting like this is because you two have seemed to have got closer these past couple of days." I said as  I tried to read his reaction. He looked really hurt. "Ok thanks for telling me..." He muttered  as he looked at his phone again. "Rye... I am sorry" I said as I gave him a hug and left the room.

I saw Mikey and he looked at me and I just nodded but inside I felt bad. But it was a bit to late. I walked into the kitchen and saw Andy and Jack goofing around. Mikey joined me in the kitchen and started dancing randomly which made me  laugh. Mikey could always make me laugh even on my bad days. A few minutes later Rye came out of his room with the biggest fake smile on his face and entered the kitchen and stood next to me. I could feel the butterfly's in my stomach but they weren't as strong as normal. "What do you guys want to do today?" Jack said as he looked over at us. "Well we have to film today but we could go to pizza hut first" Andy suggested as he looked over at us then stared at Rye with a smile but he couldn't muster one back. "Sounds good to me. What about you Brook?" Mikey asked looking at me with his cute smile. Wait?! What?! Why did I call his smile cute? "Ye sure" I responded and we all looked at Rye for his response. "Ok.." he muttered. "Get everything. Meet back here in 5 mins" Jack said. And we all went are separate ways.

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