Please spend some time with me

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Ryes POV
"Lets go Mikey!!" Andy shouted as he got up off the couch and walked towards the front door. Mikey and Andy were going to another football match today, which I didnt really mind but I wanted to spend sometime with my baby... "Coming!!" Mikey shouted as he ran over to where Andy was. I got up and walked towards Andy and gave him a small smile. He was smiling and laughing as he put his shoes on and so did Mikey. It felt like forever since we had spent a night in my room watching netfilx, eating junk food and kissing... I missed it. "We will see you guys later." Mikey shouted as he left the house. "See you later babe" Andy said as he gave me a peck on the lips. But I wanted more so much more... But he was gone...

I walked into my room and opened up one of my book and started to read. I sighed. "Rye?" I looked up to see Brooklyn walking into my room and sat down next to me. I closed my book and looked at him with a smile. "Do you want to watch a film with us?" He asked with his amazing smile. Brooklyn was alway cheerful. How? "Err. I might come and watch it later" I said as he gave me a confuesed look. I sat up and gave him a bigger smile. "Whats wrong? You dont have to tell me but I am here if you need" He said. I thought for a moment and looked down. "It just... I want to spend more time with Andy..." I said. I knew I sounded childish but right now I dont care. He gave me a reasuring smile. "I understand. Just tell him when he gets back" Brooklyn said as he stood and made me stand up with him. "Now lets go and watch a film" he said as he dragged me out of the room.

Timeskip (Andy and Mikey are home)
"We are home!!" Andy shouted as him and Mikey entered the house. "Are team won!!" Mikey shouted as they both entered the living room. "Cool" I responded as Mikey and Andy sat on the couch. I didnt even have to look at Brook to know that he was starring at me... I rubbed my eyes and lay down on Andys bed to see if I could get Andy to cuddle with me. "Rye if your tired then you can just go to bed" Andy said as he stayed on the couch with Mikey and Brooklyn. I guess he doesnt want to cuddle tonight... Which is fine. I got up off Andys bed and tapped his shoulder to indcate I wanted to talk to him. He got up and followed me to the hallway.

"Tomorrow do you want to have a lazy day?" I asked in hope. He gave me a smile. Maybe he wants to spend some time with me! "Sorry but I already told Jack that we would all go to the mall tomorrow" he said with a smile. I forced a smile on my face and nodded. "Ok... I am gonna go to my room.." I said as I turned around and walked to my room. "Rye.. Love you" Andy said as he went back into the living room. "I love you more.... Then you normally say.. No I love you more..." I whispered to myself as I entered my bedroom. I layed on my empty bed and just lay there... Until my eye lids became heavy and I fell asleep...

I woke up and reached out to try and find Andy in my bed but nothing. I sighed as I looked over to see Harvey asleep in his bed. I looked over at the clock it read 3:12AM. Brilliant... I rubbed my eyes and reached for my phone but it wasnt beside my bed. Then I rememberd that it was in my pocket so I took it out of my pocket and reached for the charger. I plugged it in and the first text that came up was from Brooklyn. Why is he texting me? We all live in the same house... I opened it and looked at what it said. 'I knew that you were trying to make Andy lie with you on his bed. And it hurt me as much as it did to you when he didnt. If he doesnt start spending more time with you then I will just talk to him.' I looked at my phone and smiled a little. Brooklyns always there for me...

I turned off my phone and walked over to the couner of mine and Harveys room. There were a few of Andys t-shirts there so I picked one up and thought about the last time we had spent some time toghether... It felt like years ago... I walked back to my bed and got in it and tried to go back to sleep....

"Andy... Do you want to go out for dinner?" I asked sheepishly as I kept messing with the rings on my fingers. "Sorry but I am going out with Brooklyn and I am tired" he said as he walked away... And left me standing there....

I woke up again... I remembered asking Andy out for dinner acouple a days ago but he said no... I remember asking him if he wanted to go to a music festival but he said be was busy... "Time to get up" Jack shouted but I didnt really sleep that night... I heard Harvey grown as I sat up and looked at Jack. "Morning" i said as I got up out of bed and started to look through some draws for something to wear. "Your up early" Harvey said as Jack closed the door so we could get ready. "Ye... Couldnt really sleep" I muttered as I quickly got dressed. He gave me a conserned look as he got out of bed and walked over to where his clothes were. We both got ready and left our room.

The others were waiting for us in the hallway. Mikey and Jack were talking to each other and Harvey and Andy were talking to eachother... "You ok?" Brooklyn asked me. I nodded as I gave him a half hearted smile. "Ye just tried.." I said as we all left the house and started walking towards the mall as it wasnt very far. "Go up to him now and ask if he wants to eat luch with you alone" Brooklyn says which is a good idea. I nodded and walked over to where Andy was and held his hand to see if it would help.

"I wondered when you would come over and hold my hand" Andy said as he squeezed it and smiled. I felt like I had fallen for him all over again.. His eyes, his smile, his personality, his body and just so much more... I snapped myself back into reality. "Andy can we go and get luch together with out the boys?" I asked as I gave him a peck on the forehead to see if it would work. "Maybe another time babe, I want to talk to Harvey about how his tour went" Andy said as he squeezed my hand. I forced a smile and nodded. "Do you mind if I ask Brooklyn something?" I asked as I tried to hide my disappointment. He nodded and let go of my hand.

"What did he say?" Brooklyn asked as I stood next to him. But I think he could tell that Andy said no... "Brook?" He looked at me.. "Why wont Andy hang around with me... I havent done anything..." I muttered as I looked up and saw Andy laughing with the others. "Rye... Maybe he is..." Brooklyn was trying to think of something to say but I dont think he could. "Its ok if you dont know... I hope you dont think I am being rude but I am going to listan to some music" I said as I gave him a smile. Brooklyn nodded as he gave me one of his sweet smiles. I put my head phones on and listan to my music...

We arrived at the mall and we walked into adidas and I saw this shirt that I quite liked. I should probably ask Andy if it would suit me. He always knows what suits me. "Andy??" He looked at me with a smile then back at what ever he was looking at. "Do you think I should get this?" I asked. I could see Brooklyn starring at Andy to see what he was going to say. "If you want it then get it!" He said with a smile but he didnt even look at it... Thats when I could tell that Brooklyn had enough. "Andy I want to talk to you now" Brooklyn said. "Give me a min.." Andy said but I could tell that Brooklyn wasnt having it as a answer. He grabbed Andys arm and dragged him away.

Andys POV
"Whats wrong with you?" I asked as Brooklyn dragged me away from the others. He gave me a annoyed face. "Whats wrong with me?! Whats wrong with you!" He said as he gave me a dirty look. I tried to think of something I could have done to annoy him but I couldnt think of anything.. "You have been ignoreing Rye!" He said as he gave me a more sturn look. "No I havent. I talked to him! I held his hand today!" I was about to say more but Brooklyn cut me off. "Ye you might have held his hand. But he asked you to spend time with him multiple times and you said no everytime..." He said as he tried to calm down... I thought back to what he had said... Rye has been asking to spend time with me and I had been ignoring him... "I didnt realise... I am sorry" i said as i looked at myself. "Dont say sorry to me" Brooklyn said as he dragged me back to where we left the boys. I looked around to try and find my boy. I needed to apologize. "Wheres Rye?" I asked as I gave Brook a worried look. "He said he didnt feel well so he went home" Harvey said as Mikey and Jack agreed. "I will go home and look after him" i said as I quickly left the shop.

I arrived back at the house. Ryes shoes were in the hallway so I knew that he was home. I walked in to Ryes and Harveys room to see Rye on his phone looking at a photo of me and him... "Babe.." I said. Rye jump as he turned around to look at me. "I changed my mind. Lets have a lazy day. Just me and you" I said with a smile. I could see one forming on Ryes face. He moved up on his bed so I could lie with him. "I am sorry for not spending time with you..." I said as we both got into Ryes bed. He pulled me into his arms and gave me a kiss. "Its ok..." He said as he turned on the projecter. "I love you" i said as I gave him a kiss. "Love you too" he said as he turned on a film and we snuggled together and watch the film. Sometimes the smallest things make people happy.

Thank you for reading xx I hope everyone is having a good day x

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