To death to us part

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Happy new year! I hope everyone's having a good start to the new year. Hope you like this, love you all xx

Rye's POV

The day I first saw you, I knew that you were the one I wanted to marry. The day we first held hands in public, it made me feel more confident with our relationship. It made my heart fluttered with gladness in my chest. Our first date was one of the best days of my life. When we first kissed, fireworks went off around us as we got closer and closer.

Then when I saw you, wearing a white suit, walking closer to me. I was standing by the alter looking at you and playing with my fingers nervously. Your smile was so big  that you could have eaten your face, but you still looked perfect. You  took my breath away. As you stood beside me, I felt my face light up and I felt my smile get bigger. I always knew you were the one I wanted to marry. 

I remember the day we first moved into are own house, it was a funny day. We put up the curtains and you (as always) think you are taller than you are, tried to put something on the top shelf so you stood on a chair. But you slipped off the chair and I caught you bridal style, which reminded me of are honeymoon night. You and me in Germany for 2 weeks of spending all our time together. And now we got to spend every day together.  When we moved into the house it was so quiet and peaceful unlike when we lived with the boys. Don't get me wrong I loved living there but we needed to move out and live our own lives.

I remember when we were waiting in the adoption center, wait for our 5 year old girl. You grabbed my hand and gave me a small squeeze and a worried smile. "I will be fine babe" I remember whispering that into his ear and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "I am just worried that she won't like us" I remember you saying as you crystal blue eyes met with my hazel brown ones. "Babe we have wanted this for ages, we can do this I promise babe" I had said with a smile. Then she came towards us. 

She looked so cute. And I could tell that Andy already loved her as much as I did. She had blue eyes like Andy, had strawberry blond hair, rosy cheeks and was wearing a dress with yellow flowers on it. She was holding a suitcase in one hand and was holding a little soft toy bunny rabbit. She looked so delicate and I think Andy thought the same. "This is Emily, Emily these are going to be your new parents" The woman had said as she gave us the forms. We smiled at them and we started to get to know are new little girl.

As time went on, the older we got but we still lived life like we were in are 20's. Emily was 12 when she asked why she didn't have a mum. Which was an awkward conversation, but when we explained it too her she understood and we carried on being a happy family. 

You are the light of my life and you and Emily make me feel complete, thank you for everything that you have both done. I am so sorry that I wasn't there to save you both... I shouldn't have let you guys drive in weather like that. 

I should have made you both stay home with me and help me cook dinner. Instead of telling Emily to go with you and make you leave the house for an hour as I wanted to surprise you... I had bought us some ticket to go to Greece for he entire family... But that one hour turned into the rest of my life.  

   I remember the day of Andy's and Emily's funeral... It was a miserable day. All the boys were there, they had all changed to much. Had time really gone that fast. All I could think about was us as a family at Disney World, Emily was smiling and had ice cream on her nose as she sat on my shoulders, while Andy held hands with me and we kissed. I could tell that I was crying at the funeral but I couldn't help it. I am so sorry Andy, I am so sorry Emily. Fail both of you. 

2 months after the funeral I was still a broken mess. The boys kept offering to let me live with them in there own homes but I couldn't. They all have lives now Andy... I can't ruin them because of my own problems. So I pushed everyone to out so I couldn't hurt anyone around me, and I didn't want to be a burden. 

I still see you Andy. Every time I open my phone I see your face, I want you to come back Andy... I started smoking to see if it would take away some of the stress but it didn't work. I started to drink more but it only makes me thing of you guys more. I hear you talking to me at night... Please Andy come back. Emily please can you come home and give your dad a big hug and tell me you enjoyed your holiday. 

I am sitting in our room Andy, thank you for everything. I am ready to come and join you both in heaven. I can't wait to see both of you smile again. I love you Andy and Emily. we Can be a perfect family again. Yes I am crying while writing this, I just want to see you all again. I miss you. But the pain will stop. I am ready Andy, I can't wait to see you. 

No matter what happens we will be together, even after death. I took all the pills that were in my shaking hands... Finally I get to see them again.

"I love you Andy. I love you Emily"

I hope you all liked this xx Have a great evening or have a great day xx Love you all ~ Lauren xxx

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