Prison life

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Sorry for not updating in a while. But I am updating now so I hope you like it.

Andys POV
I groaned and I rolled out of my hard prison bed. Just think only two more months of this hell hole... I sighed as I looked at the empty bed opposite my own. A man called Harry used to sleep there but he got relised a week ago so it was just me in my cell. I got up and quickly put my prison uniform on and sat back down on my bed. What if I never joined my brother in that gang? Would I be here now? "IF YOU DONT LEAVE THIS CELL IN LESS THAN 5 MINUTES THEN I WILL DRAG YOU OUT OF THERE MYSELF!!" the guard shouted. I just sighed and walked towards the cold, metal cell door and knocked on it so the guard would know that I am ready.

The metal door opened and I was greeted be a tall man with jet black hair, he had the devils eyes and was starring at me. Even though I was one of the toughest guys in this prison, he still creeped me out a bit. "Lets move" he said as he pushed me out of my room and we started to walk toward the breakfast hall. We didnt speek at all. All you could hear were are footsteps and the occasional sound of a prisioner screeming... So just the norm... After a couple more steps we arrived into this bleek, cold, misrable room filled with prisoner's. I walked over to where they surved the food, if you can even call it that...

I colected my bowl of gunk and walked over to my best mates. Jack, Mikey and Brooklyn and sat down. We gave eachother a smile and started talking about this and that. Brooklyn used to be in my brothers gang. Mikey got sent to prison for stealing somethings. And Jack still hasnt told us what he did... Even though the i have only known Mikey and Jack for 5 months, I feel like I have known them my hole life.

"ANDY!!" I snapped back into reality and looked at Brooklyn. "Sorry" i said as I looked at him. "I will say this again then" Jack said with a annoyed tone as we all took a bite of the disgusting mixture. "Did you hear about the new inmate?" He asked. I nodded no and carried on eating. I have been here for 5 months now and no new inmate has even been plecent lets just say. I sighed. "Brilliant another arsehole we have to show who's boss too" i said as the boys agreed but Mikey gave me a weird look. "You do know that he is your new cell mate?" He said and all the boys looked at me. Brillant... Harry was an ok cell mate. He didnt talk to much, he new that I was boss but he did like to have some fun with a lot of the guys here.... Thank god he didnt try it on me or I would have ended him! "I cant wait" I said in a sarcastic tone...

"COME ON YOU DIRTY CRIMINALS, BACK TO YOUR CELLS!!!" a guard shouted as we got up. We all rolled are eyes and said good bye. "Andy... He arrives tomorrow... Good luck" Mikey said and with that we sepparted.

I slowly walked back to my cell. My mind was thinking about what Jack had said. There is a new inmate... Mikey and Jack were hear a few days before me and Brooklyn so we have never really made friends with anyone else bit them. I entered my cell and I heard the door being locked behind me. "2 hours till gym" a guard said then everything went slient... Again... I looked up and starred at the ceilling. Even though Harry was annoying he still was someone to talk to...

The next day..
"GET UP!!" a guard shouted. I sat up and got out of bed. I was and wasnt looking forward to the new inmate... Least I wont be in this cell alone and if he is really annoying then I will just show him who runs this place. The thought of punching someone made me smile... My older brother always said punch anyone who annoys you or hurts you. And thats what I intend to do... I quickly got ready and walked over to the door and knocked on it. It slowly opened and we both walked over to the food court if you can even call it food...

I sat at my usual table with the boys and we talked aboyt the new guy. Then the loudest bang noise I had ever heard came from one of the metal doors on the other side of the room. Everyone snaped are heads towards the door. I am surprised that no one got whiplash with how quick they turned around. "ALRIGHT YOU VERMIN! WE HAVE A NEW RAT JOINING YOU!! THIS ONE HAS BEEN BLAMED FOR MURDER!!" The guard shouted as he dragged in this guy. But because I am short I couldnt see him. Well brilliant... I am sharing a cell with a murder. "I am not a murder!" I man muttered as everyone laughed. "Of course princess now eat your breakfast you muderer." Another guard spat out and the rest of the room laughed. I could tell that he was scared out of his mind just by the atmosphere in the room...

After a couple of minutes everyone went back to talking in there groups. "C-can I sit here?" I heard a nervous voice say to me. I looked up to see a slightly tanned boy with brown hair and haizalnut eye.... Wow.... He is amazing... He couldnt have killed someone. Surely? He looks absolutely petrefied right now. "Sure.." I said as I tried to still act strong and agressive as I didnt know who this man was yet. He nodded and sat next to me. He was shaking and bit and just looked down at his plate. All of us stayed silent for a moment until Jack said "Who did you kill?!". The boy looked up with anger and tears in his eyes. " I havent killed anyone I swear... Why does no one believe me" he cried as he got up and left the food court. "Oy!! WE DISMISS YOU FROM THIS PLACE! YOU CANT JUST WALK OUT!" 4 guards shouted as they ran after him... "Good luck with that one" Brooklyn said as I gave them a confused look....

After another 15 minutes of eating we were told to go back to are cells. I started walking back up the coridoor to my cell when I heard a noise... But it wasnt a normal prison noise like screaming or shouting or a fight happeneing... It was crying? I opened my cell door to see the boy I was talking to before and a prison guard shouting at him and the prison guard slapped the boy across the face. "I will be back later" the guard said as he left me and a crying boy in the room...

I didnt know what to do. Should I tell him to shut up or do I look after him? I sat on my bed and thought for a moment... "I am sorry... My name is Rye btw.. If you even care" he mumbeled at the end. He sat on his own prison bed and looked at me. I smiled at him to see if it would make him smile and it did... Oh my. His smile was breathtaking... "You should wear that smile more often... And my name is Andy... I am here because i used to be in a gang with my older brother" i said as I tried to make conversation with the boy. He looked into my blue eyes. "I swear I didnt kill him... I was backstage at the time in Spain not in England trying to rob some drugs" he said as he gave me some sad eyes. "I believe you. Now tell me a bit abiut yourself.

4 hours later
It was time for lunch. Me and Rye started to walk over to the food court. He was actually quite funny. I could tell most of the other prisoners were very intrested in Rye. Well who wouldnt be. But he is mine and no ones gonna take him away from me! We grabbed are food and we sat down with Brooklyn, Mikey and Jack. We talked for a while went we all felt a pressence behind us...

"Hi there..."

Should I continue this? And thank you for reading x have a nice day xx

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