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'I woke up with a pain in my head. "Urgh" I muttered to myself as I rolled over to look at the clock beside my bed. 3:27AM it read. brilliant. I was sweating a lot so I tried to push the covers off me but I felt too weak to. "Andy?" I called then realising that he wasn't in the room. I rubbed my eyes and tried to sit up. My arms were a little shaky but after a couple seconds I sat up and looked around my room. My head felt like it was being punched repeatedly. I wiped the sweat off my face and looked over at Harvey to make sure I hadn't woken him up. I dont like people worrying about me. It makes me feel bad and I feel weak. I definitely cant let Andy know I am weak then he might break up with me. Just that thought made me sweat again. "I feel so cold" I muttered as I pulled the covers closer to me. I got out of bed and made my way over to the bathroom to see how bad I looked. As soon as I pulled away the cover I instantly regretted it. I started shaking as I stood up felt tired again. I slowly made my way to the bathroom to see what I looked like. Every step I took the more dizzy I became. Once I had finally got to the bathroom I opened the door I turned on the light and lent on the sink. I looked up at the mirror to see how bad I really looked. Let me tell you it wasn't pretty. There were beads of sweat on my forehead, My hands were shaking and i just looked a mess. Why Andy puts up with me god only knows. " Go Back to bed" I kept repeating to myself as I opened  the door. I started walking back to my bed. I felt my head spinning and my legs tremble I used my bed to help me walk. I climbed into bed and tried to get some sleep.

"RYE!!!" I rubbed my eyes and opened them to see Harvey standing over me with a smile on his face. "Come on you have to go to the studio and you have to film the video as well" he said as he through on a shirt. As soon as I sat up I felt as bad as I did this morning. My head was spinning and I could feel beads of sweat on my forehead. I got up and stumbled over to where I had left my clothes for today and put them on. I tried my best to act normal so I could carry on with my normal day but it was hard when you have a high fever. After 12 minutes of  getting ready I was nearly ready to go. I was wearing some black baggy trousers and a shirt and my mario jumper to try and keep me warm. Me and Harvey were about to leave the room when i felt really dizzy. I felt my self going backward back on to my bed. "Rye are you ok? You sweating loads" I looked up at Harvey to see his concerned face. "I am fine just feeling a bit tired today" I responded with a fake smile. He just gave me a unconvinced look and said "Ok if you say so" . I got up and we both walked in to the kitchen where everyone was waiting for us.

I went over to the fridge and got a bottle of water and started to drink it. I could hear the boys talking about to day and the new cover we were going to sing. But I couldn't really concentrate I was to busy thinking about how he could hide how ill he felt toward the boys."Your very quite today. Something wrong?" I turn around to see the most amazing person I know Andy. "Ye just tired" I said as I gave him  weak smile. I dont know if he believed me but he didn't question it. "I am sorry to hear that... Ready to do the wolves cover?!" He asked as he handed me some toast to eat. "Ye" I replied as i took the toast from him. I took one bite and that was all I could handle. "I am not really hungry at the moment... Do you want it?" I asked Andy hoping he doesn't make a speech about how I need to eat. He gave me a weird look and was about to say something. "I will have it" Brooklyn shouted and took it out of my hand and ate it. At least it didn't go to waste. After everyone had finished we drove to the studio and Blair and Harvey went out

I was now standing in the recording room ready to start my solo. It was actually going well I thought I was doing great. I didn't feel dizzy or sweaty yes I did feel a bit cold but not as bad as before. Things were looking up I guess... I spoke to soon I was doing my chorus when I felt extremely dizzy I held on to a wall so I wouldn't fall. " Rye do you want to come out for a bit... Jack you go in now" I heard Mikey shout I left the room with a very worried Andy. We both sat down on the couch and Andy looked at me " Your not just tried please tell me" He said. But I couldn't I had to go through the day. "trust me I am just tired and cold" I responded. I wasn't lying to him I was extremely cold and a bit tired. Then out of nowhere Andy pulled me into his arms and made lie on him. He was so warm and I  always felt better when i was in his arms. "Am I warming you up?" he asked as he kissed my forehead. I nodded and snuggled with him.

After we had all finished in the studio. We made are way to the forest where we were going to film the cover. Every step I took I wished that I was back in the flat in bed watching a movie with Andy. Just that thought made me smile. We finally arrived at the forest. I picked up my stool which seemed heavier than usual. I guess it was because I was ill. Walking took effort and so did carrying a stool. I was holding hands with Andy which helped me keep my balance. We arrived at the place we wanted to film and sat down. The wind was starting to pick up which made me shiver even more. We started to film. The intro was playing and it was me first. I felt really bad. I was thirsty , tired, dizzy and I was trying not to shiver. 'U can do this' I kept thinking but it made me feel worse. My head started spinning. Then everything went black...

Andys POV

The intro was nearly over and it was nearly Ryes turn to sing. Hee hasn't been himself at all today. I was starting to get really worried but as normal Rye would never admit he needed help until it was to late. 3...2...1... "Rye!!" I look over to see Mikey jumping out of his seat and going over to rye who had passed out. "RYE Baby" I jumped out of my seat and  ran over to my baby. He was breathing but he was shaking and sweating. "He is shaking and sweating does that mean he has a high fever?" Jack asked as he looked at us like we would know. "Most likely.." Brooklyn said as he patted me on the back. "We need to get back so Rye can go to bed." Mikey said as he stood up and picked up a couple of the stools. I was about to stand up when I felt Rye grab my hand. "Andy??? "Andy?". "Shhh.. I am not going anywhere" I said as I held his hand to show him I wasn't leaving.

Time skip to back at the house

Rye was now at homes in bed nearly asleep. I had told Harvey to stay in mine and Mikey room so I could look after my baby. I was sitting next to Rye making sure he was ok. "Andy?" He looked at me with his beautiful eyes. "I am sorry that I passed out in the forest today..." I gave him a warm smile. Rye would of course blame himself for something he didn't do. "Rye you dont need to say sorry"  I said as I gave him a kiss on his forehead. "You need to get some sleep I will be on Harveys bed if you need anything" I said as I got up from Ryes bed. And walked over to Harveys bed. "Noo... Andy please stay with me" Rye muttered as he turned over to face me. 'You need some sleep" I said back as I picked up a cloth and wiped  away the sweat of his forehead. "Please baby I am really cold..." Rye said giving me the puppy eyes. Which I can never say no to. "fine" I said and got in to bed with him. I rapped my arms around him and watch him fall asleep. "Goodnight baby" I whispered and gave him a kiss. And shortly after I fell asleep.

I hope you like it. I tried... I hope everyone is having a good day. I will shut up now. bye

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