The woods

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I am sorry I haven't updated xx But I have updated today so ye xx Also this is a really weird oneshot and I don't really know if this is good but I wanted to type this so I hope you all like it xx I will shut up now xxx

No ones POV

Silence. That's all they could hear. And it was deafening them. They walked through the dense forrest, not knowing where they were going. "Hurry up" Mikey said as he pushed his now knotty hair out of his eyes. They had been walking in the woods for the past week or so. Trying to escape the from the illness. Rye who had been looking at the floor looked up at the sky to see the dark rain clouds slowly crawling over head. The wind howled at them like a wolf when it sees a full moon. "Where are we going?" Andy asked as he looked over at Rye. Rye shrugged in response. Brooklyn walked over to Mikey and talked to him about things like food and water and where they were going to sleep tonight. While Andy and Rye held hands and talked about small things like do you think the weather would be nice tomorrow? Or Where do you think we will stay? No one mentioned Jack... As soon as the world found out that there was a disease Jack just got up and left.... None of the boys knew where he went or why he left them but all they did know was that he was a dick.

They carried on walking through the deep dark wood. Every step they took echoed through the forrest. The leaves watched them as they walked past. The darkness was creeping closer as they approached the abandoned house. The house was shaking violently as the wind hit it. The bricks were falling out of the building, the windows were smashed and the house was covered in black mould. It looked like something you would see in a horror film. "I guess we will have to stay in here tonight" Brooklyn said as he started walking towards the front door. Rye just gave him a confused look. "You can't be serious? That place looks like the most disease ridden place I have ever seen!" Rye said as he looked at Brooklyn like he had gone mad. Mikey sighed as he gave Rye a sympathetic look. Rye actually watched Harvey die... So he is a lot quieter than used to be... "Babe we have to or we will get infected" Andy said to Rye as he dragged him to the front door.

As soon as they entered the hallway the cold air hit them like a knife stabbing them them in the chest. "Baracade the door while I go and see if their is any food around here that isn't contaminated" said Andy said as he left the hallway. "Wait up I will help you!" Brooklyn shouted as he walked over to where Andy was. Rye and Mikey started baracading the door when they heard the sound of someone screaming. There heads snapped around and saw nothing but the strange this was that it didn't sound like Andy's or Brooklyn's scream... The two dark haired boys got up and ran back into the hally way to see a old friend of theirs.


Just the name brought back memories... "What the hell are YOU doing here?!" Brooklyn shouted as he looked right into Jacks eyes. Jack looked down at the floor not really knowing what to say. The wind started to pick up which made the house shake and groan... "I know I can't fix what I have done but please forgive me..." Jack muttered. "FORGIVE YOU!! YOU LEFT US!!" Andy shouted.

"What's going on in here?" A deep voice asked...

All five boys turned around and saw a group of people in Black trousers and a white t-shirts.  They starred at the boys with their lifeless eyes. "Aren't you going to answer me?! Jack who are this strangers?" The eldest man with his menacing marron eyes asked as he looked at Rye. Jack walked over to the group of strangers and smiled at them. "These are the people I used to live with."Jack responded with a smile. "Would you like to join us for dinner?" A woman with dark brown hair asked as she approached them. Rye and Andy grabbed each others hand tightly to show that everything will be okay. "Don't worry we don't bite" the group of strangers said in unison. Which made the boys shiver . "I think we should go..."Mikey said as they started to walk away from the Jack and the group of strangers. "NO!" the eldest mans voice boomed though the house. Rye nearly jumped into Andy's arms because he was that scared now. "Join us."Jack said as they all slowly walked towards the dinning room.

They all sat down at the long table and looked down at their food. It looked like meat and cucumber? But that food was ment to have a bit of the illness  in... "Are you trying to kill us?!" Mikey shouted as he pushed the food away from him. A woman looked over at the eldest man with a strange look in her eye but quickly got ride of it and looked back over at Mikey. "Trust us this food hasn't got the illness. Look" someone said as they got up and ate some of the food. They seemed to be fine after they had eaten it so the boy started to dig into the food. After everyone had finished what they were eating, the two main strangers stood up and walked to the front of the room and looked down at everyone. "Now its time for the sacrifice so we can eat again tomorrow" he said...

"WHAT?!! YOU HAVE TO BE JOKING"Brooklyn shouted as he got up off the chair he was sitting on. "Now we have everyone's names in a sack so lets see who will be the chosen one" The man carried on, ignoring Brooklyn. "The names I have in my had are..... Ryan Beaumont and Andy Fowler" he announced. Rye and Andy both froze.... 'what!' They both thought....

"I am sorry guys." Jack said as he walked over to the two terrified boys... "I am sorry but you have to go. I love you Andy but you turned me down and left me for Rye! So I needed to get rid of you both and what better way than this. Bye Bye" Jack  said as Rye and Andy got dragged away... "I love you Andy!" Rye cried out. "I love you too Rye" Andy cried out as they got dragged away from each other... 

I am not going to do a second part to this xx I hope you liked this random story... Tbh idrk what this was but oh well. Have a good everyone xxx

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