I will always love you

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I just wanted to start this off by saying a massive thank you for the 40k reads and 2k votes. It means so much xx I don't want it to sound like I am bragging so lets start with the oneshot.

Today was the big day . Both of the boys were getting ready in hotels across the road from the place they were going to get married in. Andy was with Brooklyn and Rye was with Mikey and Jack was helping them both out. It was a massive day for both of the boy and they were both terrified. Andy was wearing  his white suit and Rye was wearing a black suit.

Rye had proposed to Andy a few months ago at a beautiful 5 star hotel in London. Rye had never been more scared in his life, he just wanted Andy to say yes. So that night Rye took Andy to a nice restaurant and they sat down and ate together. Rye had booked the nicest table which had fairy lights on the celling, rose petals everywhere, posh food and bottles of champaine. After they had both finished eating their main courses Rye decided that it was time to pop the question. So he had got on one knee and said "Andy. You mean the world to me. From the moment I set eyes on you I knew that I loved you. I never told you at first because I was scared. But I am grateful that I did tell you. Andy I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Andy... Will you marry me?" Rye asked with a hopeful smile. Andy had tears of joy running down his face and had said "yes"

And now the big day had arrived. And to say they were scared was a understatement. Andy was sitting with Brooklyn talking about Rye and saying how much he loved him and how much Rye ment to him. While Rye was talking to Mikey saying how much he loved Andy and How much Andy ment to him. It was just perfect and nothing could ever brake this love. Rye could have continued to talk about Andy but Jack came in and said "its time to go to St Marys Cathedral" (only church that does gay marriage). Rye nodded and looked at Mikey and Jack and took a deep breath. He looked at the boys and gave them a massive hug which they were happy to get and gave him one back. "Don't worry. You both love eachother and everything will go well ok?" Jack said as he gave me a smile. Rye only nodded back. All the boys made their way out of the hotel and in to the church. Both of the boys parents wanted a church wedding as its 'traditional' but it didnt bother the boys as long as they were together it didnt matter.

Ryes POV
The day is here. It still hasn't hit me yet it was strange but in a good way. I am finally going to be married to Andy! I was standing at the alter waiting for Andy to arrive, I have to wait another 15 minutes before Andys ment to be here and its killing me... More guests came through the doors and took their seats. Which made me more nervious... What if Andy has had second thoughts? What if he doesn't want to come!? I pushed those thoughts out of my head and looked at everyone in the room. It was amazing. All these people here to suport me and the the love of my life. It made my heart flutter. I saw my bothers sitting there with massive smiles on their faces which made me smile more if that was even possible. Time was going by so slowly and it was killing me. I just wanted to see Andys amazing, beautiful, goergus face and smile and body and...

"Rye?" I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at Mikey. "Andy will be here any minute now" those words made me tense up and thats when my nerves really started to kick in. I dont want to mess this up. Andy means so much to me and I wouldn't know what to do if I messed this up. Thats when the music started and everyone stood up. Its time. I turned around...

I forgot about everything else in the room. All I could see was Andy. I couldnt see the guests anymore. I couldnt hear the music anymore all I could see was Andy and all I could hear was my heart beating for him. I love him so much. I took a deep breath as he stood beside me. "You look breath taking" i whispered into Andys ear. His smile some how got even bigger and looked at me with is beautiful blue eyes. "So do you" Andy whispered back. I suddenly got dragged back into reality and heard everyone sit back down in there seats. While the priest was talking all I could do was think about Andy and how much he ment to me. My heart will always flutter when I am near him even though we have been toghether for nearly 2 years.

"Time for your vows" the vicor interrupted my thoughts and I took a deep breath and got out Andys ring and put in on his finger. I took a deep breath. "I will always to support you, push you, inspire you, and, above all, love you, for better or worse, in sickness and health, for richer or poorer, as long as we both shall live. And I just want to say Andy. I love you so mu

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