The party

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Ryes POV
"Ryyyeeee..... Please" Mikey begged as he looked at me. I rolled my eyes. "I really dont want to go" I said as I got up and walked around my room.

Me and Mikey live together in a flat in London and we were both in are second year of collage. I had known Mikey since I was 5 and we had grown up together. And right now Mikey was trying to convince me to some to a collage party a couple of streets away but I really didnt want to go. Last week my girlf- ex girlfriend broke up with me so I really didnt want to go out... When I first told Mikey he was so angry but then he hugged me and tried to calm me down. To be honiest I miss her. Her blond hair, her green eyes, her everything. But I am greatful that Mikey has helped me through it. A 2 year relationship... Gone forever...

"Rye it might help you move on from her" Mikey said as he gave me a smypathetic look. Mikey refuses to say 'her' name. I looked at him. He really wanted to go I could tell. "Fine I will go with you" I muttered as I saw a smile appear on his face. "Thank you!! Be ready by 10pm" Mikey said and with that he left the room and left me with my thoughts...

It was already 9:43pm so there wasnt much time left. Knowing Mikey he will get completely hammered and will need help leaving the house but to night I was going to get hammered to as I needed to get my mind of her. I grabbed my phone and keys and put them in my back pocket so I wouldnt forget them. I could hear Mikey running round his room grabbing things and trying to make himself look better. I knew the main reason Mikey wanted to go to this party is because a girl he liked was going to be there... I sat on my bed and opened my laptop to see if there was anything good to watch on youtube. But sadly there wasnt... Then my mind went back to April my ex. I wonder if she will be there... She would probably have a new boyfriend by now...

Mikey barged into my room with a big smile. He was wearing black skinny jeans, a white shirt and had his nose and lip piercing in. "Lets go!!" He said as he dragged me off my bed. I put on a smile as I wanted Mikey to enjoy himself. "Let me guess. I am driving?" I said with a bit of sarcasm. Mikey laughed and nodded. I rolled my eyes and we both got into my car and, after Mikey had told me where we were going, we drove to the house. It was only 20 minutes away so least we werent miles away from it.

I pulled up into the driveway to see nearly everyone from are collage there!! Everyone already looked pissed out of there minds! As soon as the car stopped Mikey jumped out and started walking towards the front door. I sighed as I got out the car and followed him. We both entered the house to be swarmed by drunk teenagers laughing, dancing (if you can all it that) , doing shot in the couner of the room and just what you would aspect from a party. There was a DJ in the living room, the kitchen was full of alcohol, there was a swimming pool outside and you didnt even have to go upstairs to know what people were doing there... You could hear it. "Rye! Mikey! Welcome" a girl slurred as she handed us two bottles of beer each. I took a massive gulp of mine. "Hi Katie" Mikey responded as he started drinking. She smiled and took us to the DJ and introduced us to a few people before walking off. Well I think walking isnt the right word more like stumbling off. "There she is" Mikey said as he looked over at his crush. "Go get her" I said as I downed my first bottle of beer. He smiled then looked at me. "You sure?" He asked. "Of coures! Now go oh and dont forget this" I said as I gave him something for later. He smiled as he put it in his pocket and walked over to her. I smiled as I downed my other bottle of beer. I knew I was going to get myself drunk but right now thats what I really wanted. So I walked in to the kitchen.

The kitchen didnt really have that many people in it which surprised me. As there is a lot alcohol in there. I saw a couple off bottles of vodka (Smirnoff) so I picked one up. I turned around and acidently walked into these three guys. "Sorry" I muttered as I looked at them. I saw Jack who was in my science, Brooklyn who was in my maths and they had someone with them. He had blue eyes, blond hair, a big beautiful smile and looked beautiful. What?! Did I just think that he looked beautiful... But he was. "Its ok" the boy said as he gave me a smile. I was about to walk away when Brooklyn grabbed my shoulder "Are you gonna drink all of that? Its really strong" I just smiled as I opened the bottle and started to drink some. It burned but It felt good. "Ye why?" I asked as a frown came on all there faces. Me, Brook and Jack were actually quite good mates but I didnt know the other boy yet but he seems cute. Shut it brain. "Just be careful please... Oh I forgot! Rye this is Andy. Andy this is Rye." Jack said. We shook hands and we smiled at eachother. "See you around" I said as I went off to find Mikey. The DJ room was packed so it took a while before I found him making out with Amy. I smiled knowing how happy Mikey probably is right now so I walked to the out door pool to see if I could see Harvey there.

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