The car crash

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Ryes POV
The rain was beating against the windows of my car. The roads were really slippy. I just had to leave the house after me and Andy got into a fight...

1 hour ago
I walked into the living room and saw Mikey and Andy basically flirting with eachother. I didn't want to be a jealous boyfriend but Mikey and Andy always flirted with eachother which hurt me a lot. "Andy can I talk to you?" I said as I walked to my room and I could tell that Andy was following me. I entered my room and sat on the floor as there was no more room on the couch. I tired to hide my sad expression but I don't think it worked as Andy gave me a weird look. "What do you want to watch?" Mikey asked as he got the TV remote. I just looked up at them. "I am going to go to my room because I feel a bit ill" I said as I got up and left. I walked into my room and sat on my bed and looked at my phone. I heard the door open and I saw Andy enter my room.

"What's wrong? You have been acting really upset now for the last couple of days" He asked me as he sat next to me and gave me a hug. I put my phone down and hugged him back. I really dont want to be a jealous boyfriend but I couldn't help it. I pulled back and said "You and Mikey are always flirting with eachother and it makes me jealous" He gave me a annoyed look and gave a angry sigh. "You know I love you NOT Mikey stop being so jealous!" He started to rase he voice a bit now. I stood up and looked down at him. "Look I can't help it! I just get scared that you love him more than me!" I was trying not to shout but I was upset and annoyed at the same time. Andy stood up now angry and walked over to me. "Me and Mikey are just friends!! Your being so annoying!" He was now shouting at me and I didn't really know how to react... "Also I was not flirting with Mikey!!" He shouted.

"Guys..." we both look over at the doorway to see Jack, Harvey ,Brooklyn and Mikey all standing there watching us. I looked down embarrassed as they probably heard all whole arguement... I could tell Andy was still angry. "I  am going out" I said as I tried to hide the fact that what he had upset me. I grabbed my phone and looked up at Andy. He looked really angry at me. You could feel the tension in the room. I was trying my hardest to put on a brave face as I walked past Andy and the boys. I grabbed my car keys and left.

Back to present day
I was now just driving around trying to feel better. I wanted to go on a run but the weather was awful and I felt cold. I can hear my phone ringing but I wasn't going to answer it as the roads were really bad and it was probably Brooklyn or Jack or Harvey calling to tell me to come home. But I wasn't ready to come home, I was worried how angry Andy would be when I got home. The rain was beating down a lot more now and the car was starting to slide. I the car in front stopped at a red light so I stopped behind the car. I just sat there watching the rain beating down on the car. The light went green and I was about to drive forward when... I heard a car behind me start to stop but the car wasn't stopping. It was coming at my car sliding towards me going quite fast now. It smashed into  the back of my car and ,because I was already starting to move, i smashed into the back of the car in front!

I could feel myself drifting in and out consciousness.. My arm was in agony. I looked down to see my bone sticking out of my left arm and the blood was streaming out of it. I was in so much pain but I couldn't move. I looked at my ankle which was in pain but i couldn't see anything wrong with it. My eyes were getting really heavy and I could hear someone shouting in the background. "Call 999 NOW!!!" My could feel the blood pouring down my face. "Help!!" I tried to shout but no noise came out. I could feel myself starting to lose consciousness. All I could think of was the argument and I just wished that I could go back in time and made sure it never happened. I just wished I was back at the house with the boys watching a film and cuddling with Andy. Then I blacked out...

Andys POV (Before the crash)
It had been 20 minutes since Rye had left. I had calmed down now and we were all in the living room sitting in a awkward silence waiting for someone to ask about Rye. "Where did he go?" Jack asked trying to make some sort of conversation. Everyone looked at me. I already felt bad that I shouted  at him. "Normally when he is upset he either goes on a run or on a walk... But its raining really bad" Brooklyn said as everyone tried to think of where he want. The silence was defining. I just wished that Rye would just come home and I could apologise and kiss him over and over again. I picked up my phone and tried to call Rye but no answer... "Please come home..' I muttered as I kept trying to call him.

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