I am sorry... I made a mistake (Final part)

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Thank you to @jadelovesyoutoo for suggesting this xx Also I am so sorry for not uploading as much as I used to. At the moment I am trying to upload all my books at least once a week. But I am off school for a week now so hopefully I can upload more xx.I will shut up now so you can actually read the one shot. 

2 weeks later

Rye's POV

Me and Andy have now been going out for 2 weeks. I was still a little bit cautious because of what happened last time but Andy keeps saying that he would never do anything like that again, I will always love you and more things like that but I was still a little bit worried but no one could blame me. Brooklyn and Harvey are going out too. Which was nice. I wasn't really sure how I felt about it yet but I shouldn't start getting jealous over nothing. Especially due to the fact I have such an amazing boyfriend who was going to be taking me out for dinner in an hour! I am not going to lie, I am really excited for this date? Wait is it a date? Andy didn't say it was a date? Oh no what if it isn't and I have totally miss judged it?! Oh  no... 

"Rye?" I looked up from my hands to see Brooklyn and Harvey standing there holding hands. My heart started to ache a bit when I looked at their fingers. The were intertwined and they had smiles on both of their faces. I felt a slight tinge of jealousy go thought me, I should be the one holding Brooks hand. I quickly snapped that thought out of my head and smiled at the pair of them. "How are you? Ready for your big date?" Harvey asked with a big smile. I rubbed the back of my neck like I normally do when I am nervous. "I am good and I don't know if it's a date Andy didn't say it was one" I said as I got up off my bed and looked through some of my cloths. I had to make myself look presentable now don't I. "Mate trust me its a date or Andy wouldn't be taking you to a very expensive restaurant if it was just a hang out" Harvey said as he rubbed my back. He knew that I get very nervous about these sort of things.

"Rye? Can I talk to you alone?" I froze.. Did Brooklyn really just ask that. Ever since I had broken up with Brooklyn we hadn't really talked by are selves. There was normally somebody else there to get rid of the awkwardness but now it was just going to be me and him... Harvey nodded as he left the room... Oh no...

"Why are you going out with Andy?" Brooklyn asked getting straight to the point. I gulped. I could feel the tension in the room was quite thick now... This was the question I had been dreading... He was starring at me still waiting for a answer... "Because I love him" I responded as I started fiddling with the ring on my finger. I do love Andy but the way I just answered Brooklyn made it sound like I didn't but I do! "But Rye... He hurt you so bad when he kissed that girl" He said in a calm and caring voice.  But for some reason I snapped back at him "Brooklyn! Don't tell me who I can or can't go out with" I shouted. But as soon as I said those words I knew that I didn't mean them... "Brook I am so-" But before I could say sorry Brooklyn interrupted me. "I only said that because I care!! Your such a prick!! When Andy brakes your heart again don't you DARE come crawling back to me and think that I will forgive you and go back out with you!!!" and with that speech, he left the room. I sighed as I looked down at my hands... Why can I never do anything right?  I sighed as I left my room to go out on this date with Andy. 


We arrived at the restaurant and I was just blown away.... 

Andy talks to the man at the door about are table or something but I wan't really listening to them

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Andy talks to the man at the door about are table or something but I wan't really listening to them. I was just so lost in the atmosphere, the beauty and the smell of the room. Then I felt Andy grab my hand and held it tightly which made me smile. I guess what Andy was saying was true, he really did want to mend the past as long as nothing ruined it then everything should be amazing. We slowly walked over to are table and sat down. Andy (being the gentlemen he is) let me sit down first and made sure I was comfortable before he sat down with a massive smile stuck on both of our faces.  We talked about thing in general and some random things. We opened the menu and looked for something nice to eat. Which was really hard as all of it looked really nice and tasty. "Rye?" I looked up from the menu and looked at Andy. His blue eyes sparkling as he looked at me. I had missed this so much.  Me and Andy spending time together, cuddling with each other, making each other laugh and just everything. Then I started to feel guilty for nearly forgetting Brooklyn but I pushed that emotion to one side. "Yes?" I said as we held hands. "I love you and I always will love you. What happens in the past stays in the past. And now that we are back to together we can focus on each other and I will never hurt you again I promise on my life" He said as we kept slowly leaning in. "I love you so much. Thank you for tonight it means a lot" I said as we got closer, lips now only centimeters apart... "Anything for you" He said as we were about to kiss...

"Ready to order?" I groaned as we both pulled away with a embarrassed look on my face. I looked up at the waitress and froze... 

It was her... She looked at me with a frown then looked at Andy with a massive smile. I only knew who her because Andy had told me about her... She had long brown hair, green eyes, she was wearing a black dress which was her uniform and she was starring at Andy. I was trying not to freak out right now. I wanted to scream, I wanted to cry, I wanted to kill her. I wanted to escape. But I kept it in. I think Andy could tell I was uncomfortable and he wanted her to go but she was starring at Rye. "Hey... long time no see" She said in a stupid seductive voice. She just talked to Andy ignoring me completely.... "Can you just go away! What happened in the past stays in the past!!" Andy said as he tried not to shout as he didn't want to draw attention to are table.  "Why?! You don't want to upset you little friend!" She spat out at me which made me tear up a little. Andy grabbed my hand and gave the girl an annoyed look. "Just piss off" I said to her with a angry look. "Oh shut it and leave us alone" She spat out as me then slapped me across the face.

I got up and quickly left the building with tears running down my face. I could hear Andy shouting after me but I was to upset to face him. This would never have happened if Andy hadn't got drunk and made out with her! I ran towards the house and quickly unlocked the door. "Rye whats wrong??" Mikey and Jack asked but right now I didn't feel like talking so I quickly walked in to my room and sat on my bed. "I told you" I quickly looked up to see Brooklyn looking at me from where he was standing. He sighed a little. "Brooklyn you were right..." I whispered as I tried not to cry more than I already have. "I already told you that I won't forgive you. You hurt me when you broke up with me and then you ran in to Andy's arms. But you just didn't even care about how I felt when you came home and told me on the same day we broke up that you and Andy were going out. AFTER EVERYTHING HE DID TO YOU!!! YOU SAID THAT HE CHEATED ON YOU!!! And you still love him... I can't believe you. Just leave me alone...." Brooklyn said.  And with that he left the room. 

I cried more and more. Then I heard Andy come towards my bedroom door. I looked down as he came into the room and gave me a hug. I don't know what to do?? "Rye I am sorry! I didn't know that she was going to be working there" Andy begged I knew that he didn't want this to happen. I looked up at him. I tried not to cry as I did love Andy and I did love Brooklyn... I was now scared... "I love you. I care about you. Lets make it work!" I said as I leaned into his chest and he rubbed my back. I care about and Andy I wanted to be with him. I just hope Andy keeps his promise.

Thank you very much for reading this xx I hope everyone has had a good Saturday. And I will try and upload more this week. Have a good day today xx And thank you for the 24k reads and for 1.41k votes. It means so much to me xx  ~Lauren x 

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