The Carnival

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In this oneshot all the boys are in high school and are 15. Sorry I just wanted to say

Ryes POV
The cold wind came through the small window next to my double bed. The sun was shinning on to my bedroom floor. It was 5pm and I was in my black skinny jeans and a white t-shirt and a hoodie. I was meeting my boyfriend James and my friends Andy, Mikey, Brooklyn and Jack at the Carnival which was here for the week. It was Monday and it was the holidays. I looked down at my phone waiting for my boyfriend to come and pick me up. But my parents didnt know I was bi yet so I was waiting for him text me to tell me when he is outside my house. My phone buzzed and saw James had texted me saying he was outside. I got up and went downstairs. "I am going out!!" I shouted as I opened the front door. "Where are yo-?" I could hear my mum shout me but i slamed the door before she could tell me i couldnt go.

"Hey babe" James said as he walked up to me with a big smile. "Hi babe. Shall we go?" I asked as we held hands. "Yes of coures. Want one?" He asked with a smile. James as holding a couple of bottles of beer. I nodded as I didnt want him to think that I was being pathetic. So I took the bottle and opened it then began drinking it. It burned a bit but not as much as it used to burn but I have got used to it. Luckly it was only a 10 minutes walk away from my house. We talked about this and that giving eachother little kisses on the way there.

When we arrived at the feilds where the Carnival was going to take place we saw Andy waiting outside of it with a massive smile. The Carnival was huge! There were rides, loads of food stalls and more. The lights were blinding me a bit but after a while my eyes got used to it. It was very packed in there which worried me a bit but as long as I was with James I knew that everything would be ok. "Hey" Andy said with a big smile on his face but it didnt look real. "Hi. Want a bottle?" James asked as he lifted up the bottle of beer. Andy nodded no and James gave him a confuesed look but then gave me it instead to drink. Which I did. "Wheres Jack, Mikey and Brooklyn? They said they would be here by now." James said as he squeezed my hand and I squeezed it back. We all stood there for a moment in awkward slience. Then thankfully they arrived so we entered the Carnival.

As soon as we walked in I was hit with the smell of candy floss and hotdogs. All I could hear were people on the rides screaming and some music. "What do you guys want to do first?" Mikey asked as we walked over to a ride which made you go upside down. "This!" James shouted as he walked over to the ride and paid to get on. Brooklyn, Jack and Mikey followed him while I was a bit concerned. "You okay?" Andy asked as we walked toward the ride. I bit my lip then push my emotions away "Ye are you?" I asked as we both paid and walked over to where the others were
And sat down on the ride. We got straped in. And sat on the most uncomfortable seats ever but as long as I dont fall out then I dont care how uncomfortable they are. After a couple of minutes the ride began to move and the annoying music blared through the massive speakers. It was actually quite fun. After the ride was finished we saw one of Jake best mates.

Harvey! "Hi!" James shouted as he went over to Harvey. And left me with Jack, Mikey, Brooklyn and Andy. He always does that when he sees Harvey which made me a bit jeolous so I normally hang around with Andy as he makes me laugh and cheers me up a bit. "Babe do you mind if I quickly go and grab some food with Harvey?" He asked with a smile. I love that smile. "Sure" I said as he ran off with Harvey.

After 10 minutes I wanted to go look for him. "I am going to go and look for him" I said as I walked over to the food stalls. After a couple of minutes of looking around the food stalls I saw them enter a mirror maze. Why would he go in there without me? Maybe I am being stupid.... But I want to ask him something. So I ran over to the mirror maze and paid to get in and I went to go and find them. I have never been in one before and it was really creepy. All I could see was myself and it was creeping me out. Then I saw something that horrified me...

James and Harvey were kissing... I felt the tears in my eyes started to fall down my face. "Rye?" I snaped back into reality and saw James and Harvey starring at me. I couldnt... Why?? I ran away. I could see them everywhere I looked. The tears were pouring down my face now. I ran out of the mirror maze and ran into someone. Andy..... "Rye!! Whats wrong?" He asked voice full of worry. I looked at him and opened my mouth but nothing came out. "Rye!!" I heard Harvey shout but I could face him not now or ever. So I ran back home.

"RYAN BEAUMONT!!" I heard my mum shout. But right now I didnt want to talk to her. So I ran up the stairs and locked myself in my room.

I havent left my room for 5 day now and I dont intend on leaving my room ever. I have had ao many missed calls from all of the boys but I never texted or called any of them back I didnt want to. "Rye! Someone want to see you!!" My mother shouted as the door opened. I was still in bed. "Rye?" I turned around to see

"Andy?" He gave me a small smile. I tired to give him one back but I couldnt... "How are you feeling" he asked as he sat next to me on my bed. His blue eyes were full of worry and concern. I hated seeing Andy like that... "Like shit... You?" I responded as I looked in to Andys eyes. "I am ok... The boys miss you. James and Harvey are going out now.... Rye I am sorry I just thought you should know..." Andy said. The room went slient... James said that he loved me. He said that i ment something to him but that was a fucking lie. I could feel the tears streaming down my face. Then I felt Andy hung me and I gratefully accepted and cried into his shoulder. "Thank you for telling me.." I muttered into his shoulder as I wiped my eyes. I could feel his grip tighten on me and he hugged me tighter. It felt nice that someone cared about me. James never really helped me when I was upset but Andy was there through everything... He is more than a friend to me... "Rye when was the last time you ate?" Andy asked as he gave me a worried look. "Errr 5 days ago..." I muttered and I could tell by the look in Andys face that he was not happy. He sighed as he pulled out a chocolate bar from his pocket and gave it to me. I nodded no but Andy forced me to at least take a bite. So I did.

After another couple of minutes Andy had persuaded me to come outside with him. So now we were outside walking towards the park when we saw the two main people I didnt want to see.... James and Harvey... They were holding hands and smiling at eachother. Then James looked at me. I tried to read him but I couldnt instead my heart started to brake more and more. I felt like I was drowing in my thoughts...

"Rye?" Andy asked as he looked over at James and Harvey. I looked at Andy then he did somwthing that shocked me. He kissed me. As aoon as Andys lips touched mine I mealted into the kiss. It felt like are lips were ment to be connected for life. We pulled away when are bodies begged for air. The kiss was amazing. "Rye I have like you ever since the day I met you. It hurt me to see you going out with that prick. But now I want to ask you a question. Will you be my boyfriend?" Andy asked with a smile. I took a quick glance over at James who must have heard what Andy said as his mouth was open in shock. "Yes I would love to be your boyfriend babe" I responded as we walked away for James and Harvey.

Thanks for reading xx I am posting this at like 4am so sorry if my English is really bad. Have a nice day/ night xx

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