Last time I will see you (final part)

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I am awful at updating. So I am sorry about this but I am going to try. And my F key on my laptop is playing up so if I am typing a word with the letter F in it and it isn't there, it because of my laptop. Now lets get started.

Rye's POV

It's now late November and the winter air was sweeping in. I would have enjoyed this but sadly I forgot my coat so I was just walking home from another disappointing day at work. I turn on m phone to see texts from Jack, Mikey and Andy? Why would Andy talk to me..? After what he said to me. Why does he think I would ever want to speak to him or any of the boys again. You think you know your friends but I guess I didn't know the boys as well as I thought.... I walked into my flat and put my phone down. It's weird that  I was living alone, after all these years of living with the boys it was weird. I got in the shower and got ready to get into bed. I was 10pm and I know it was early but I wasn't really in the mood to talk to anyone or to be disturbed by anything...

*RING* (Amazing sound affects) *ring*

I looked over at my phone and say Brooklyn's number. He had been trying to call me for weeks, I was starting to feel guilty as he didn't do anything wrong... I sighed and answered the phone. At first their was silence. We both didn't know what to say. What can you say to someone you haven't talked to for two months? "Rye?" It was weird to hear Brooklyn's voice after all this time.... He sounded shocked and revealed but he also sounded quite sad. "Hi Brooklyn.." I muttered back trying to find the right thing to say. " How have you been?" He asked. Those four words made my heart sink. I can't tell him the truth... I can't tell him how hard it's been for me, to find a flat, to find a job... I haven't sung since I left the band... It brought back to many memories.... "I have been okay." Their was a short pause before I asked him "How have you been?" I could tell Brooklyn was trying to find the right words to say. It was weird talking to Brooklyn like this, before I left we used to talk everyday and told each other everything but now... It felt like I never even knew him.  "We all miss you... Mikey doesn't laugh the same as he used to... You need to talk to him, please for me Rye..." There was another pause. I hadn't spoken to Mikey for ages, just his name brought back so many memories of when we were kids. "Jack isn't as out going as he used to be... I remember when you two used to prank each other and you taped Jack's bag with his laptop in it to the bunk bed" I smiled at the memory... Jacks face was priceless. "Harvey has been sleeping in the mindy room as he misses you" I remembered when Harvey and I moved into that room, planning it and making it our own.

 "Andy-" I don't want to hear his name. "Don't talk to me about Andy..." I muttered but loud enough that he could hear. After all the pain that Andy has given me, why would I want to talk to him? "Rye please hear me out" Brooklyn begged but I didn't want to talk to him about it. " Brooklyn please, I don't want to talk about the guy who broke my heart..." We both went quiet and I could feel Brooklyn getting upset through the phone... " I am sorry Rye..." He muttered as I sighed and put my phone on speaker phone. I put the phone beside me and layed down on my bed. "It's Ok ... I miss you guys" I muttered the last point so Brooklyn couldn't hear but I guess he did. "We all miss you Rye... Please come back." I didn't know what to say... Yes I miss all the boy. Yes I miss singing in front of people. I miss living with people. But I can't  just go back to the place where my heart broke, I can't get over   the fact that all the boys lied to me... "I don't know Brooklyn... How about we meet? So we can catch up" I said trying to not get anxious. I had been hanging out with a few boys called Jake, Adam, Daniel and a few more. They are great guys don't get me wrong but their not as funny and as care free  as all the boys. "YES!!" to say he sounded excited would be a understatement. "Shall we meet at our first flat on Friday. Just me and you" I said with a small smile on my face. "Okay! I will see you at 2pm on Friday" He said cheerfully, I could tell that he was smiling. "Cya then" I said then hung up. Well these next two days are going to be long. I put my phone on charge and quickly went to bed thinking about all the events that happened.

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