Please don't leave me part 2

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Ok so Mpreg warning again. And thank you mkheir for suggesting to make a ending for 'please don't leave me'

Rye's POV

"I love you Andy" I said as he squeezed my hand. "I love you too" He said as he picked up his phone. "Let me call up the doctor"He said as he let go of my hand. He was about to put the phone up to his ear when I felt another contraction coming. "Andy!" I rasied my voice a bit. This had been the worst one so far. It hurt so much. "Rye baby, breath. In and out" He said as he grabbed my hand. "Owwwww.. Andy please make it stop" I groaned as I squeezed his hand. "Sorry if I am hurting you" I said as I was still in pain. "No your not. I will be here as long as you need." He said with a smile. I felt a few tears run down my face but after a couple of more seconds it was over. Andy now called the doctor and told him what happened. It hurt to hear Andy saying what happened. I knew it was true but it made me feel bad. After another couple of minutes Andy was finished on the phone.

"We need to get you to the hospital right now! He will meet us there!" He said as he put his phone in his pocket. "Ok..." I said as I tried to stand up. Andy put one arm around my waist and tried to help me up. Which I was greatful for. I finally stood up and started to walk out of mine and Andy's room. Andy hadn't left my side. He was helping me walk out the door. Least Andy's car is right outside the door. "Thank you" I said as he helped me into the front of the car. I could feel another one coming. Andy got into the driverside. "Andy... Its happening again" I groaned as I grabbed his hand and used my other hand to rub my bump. "It's ok.. Breath. In and out. It will be over soon" Andy said as he hugged me. I burred my face into his shoulder and kept breathing. It was over. I pulled away from Andy's Shoulder and he pulled away from are hug and started to drive to the hospital.

We finally arrived and Andy helped me out of the car and into the the hospital. I could feel the contractions getting closer and more painful. "I want to lie down" I moaned as I rubbed my stomach. "You will soon don't worry.." Andy said as we entered the hospital doors to me greeted by are normal doctor. "You ready Rye?" He asked me. I was about to say no when I felt like I had been stabbed a thousand times."Ahhh!" I screamed as I felt Andy's grip round my waste tighten. "Get him a wheel chair!" The doctor shouted as another doctor grabbed a wheel chair and helped me on it. Then we all started going to a hospital room.

4 Hours later (Wtf am I doing.... I am so sorry)

"I am so sorry" the doctor said as I just lay there on the hospital bed not facing the doctor or Andy. I hid my face into my pillow and let out even more tears. I had just been through 4 hours of agony to find out that when I was kicked in the stomach. The baby got kicked in the head and was killed instantly. I heard the door open and close so that probably ment that the doctor had left the room. I couldnt stop shaking and crying in to my pillow. I was the one who wanted to go for a walk! I killed him! Andy I am so sorry! These thoughts kept running through my mind. "Andy I am so sorry" I cried. "Rye... It isn't your fault" I sat up and looked at him. He gave me a sad and worried look. Which made me feel guilty. He got up from the chair beside the hospital bed and sat next to me on the hospital bed. "Rye. It isn't your fault. It's the man who kicked you in the stomachs fault.. Babe I love you. And I always will. I promise." Andy said as he pulled me into his lap. "I love you too" I said and cried into his lap.

4 Months later
It was actually a nice night for England. It wasn't raining and it wasn't windy. "Do you want to watch a movie?" Andy asked with a smile. I nodded . It has taken me 4 months now but I am starting to accept the fact that the baby is gone now. No one talks about what happened as they know that it would only upset me and Andy. Even the fans don't bring it up as everyone knew that I was now suffering with depression after what happened.. I am not going to lie, I still felt bad for what happened even though Andy keeps telling me not to. I could hear the voices in me head starting to talk 'Andy doesn't love you! No one does! No one knows why he is still with you! Your a murd-"Shut up!" I shouted as I burred my hands into me face. "Don't listen to them. Your perfect" Andy said as he moved my hands away from my face and kissed my forehead. I gave him a smile to show him that I was great full. He smiled back "Let me just get some food from the kitchen" He said as he got up and left.

I turned on my phone and went through are instagram. I liked a few post and also commented on a few things. I was going to turn it off when I saw someone comment "Weren't Andy and Rye expecting a baby?" I looked back at the picture this person had posted. It was my last show when I was 6 months pregnant. That brought back a lot of memories. Then someone commented back saying "Ye they were. But Rye lost the baby" My heart broke. I had lost the baby. It had always been my fault. Over the past 4 months Andy kept telling me that it wasn't my fault but I guess he was lying. I put my phone down on the bed and got up. I need to go back to where it all began. I started walking toward the front door. "I am going out!" I shouted as I was about to leave I heard Andy shout me. I wanted to go up to him and hug him but right now I just needed to clear my head. I walked for a few mins to a little park around the conner.

I sat on the same bench me and Andy had sat on a year and a half ago. This was the place Andy had asked me to be his boyfriend. It was so calm and peaceful. "I thought you would be here" I turned around to see Andy wearing one of my hoodies. I smiled at him as he came at sat down next to me. We looked up at the stars. "I love you" I said as I held his hand. It had been a while since we had been here together and this place brings me so much joy. "I love you too" He says as he pecks me on the lips. We sat in comfortable silence for a few mins when Andy wanted to say something.

"Rye. You make me so happy! I love you more than anything else in this world. I know that the last few months have been hard but we have stuck together all the way through the hard times." He paused then got off the bench and on to one knee. Pulled out a little velvet box and opened to the revel a beautiful gold ring. "Rye I want to spend the rest of my life with you... Ryan Leonard Beaumont  Will you marry me?"

"Yes!!" I shouted as we hugged and kissed in the moon light.

I hope everyone liked this! Have a good night or day!

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