I am sorry... I made a mistake (Part 2)

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Thank you @brookisopium for suggesting that I should make a second part. I hope you like it.

Andy's POV

Its been 3 days since Rye has left his room. He went in there and hasn't left since... Harvey has been sleeping in the Mindy room as Rye wont let him in. He wont even let Brooklyn in... It made me feel even more guilty than I already was... "What should we do about Rye?" Mikey asked as we all sat in the living room. Brooklyn was being hugged by Harvey. They had got a little closer since Rye hadn't come out of his room but I guess it's because he is upset. We all sat there for a moment in silence. Jack and Mikey were looking at each other and holding each others hands while Brooklyn and Harvey talked and smiled to each other as there hands got a bit closer. "Maybe we should try and take him out of the house for a bit." I suggested as everyone looked at me.

Mikey was the only one who knew about what happened between me and Rye. They boys nodded and we were about to get up and go to get Rye out of his room when we saw him standing there. He looked broken. His eyes were bloodshot and you could still see some tears on his cheeks. His stomach rumbled a bit. The last time he ate was three days ago... "Brooklyn... Can I talk to you?" Rye mumbled as he looked down at the floor and rubbed if arms a bit... That's when I new that Rye had cut himself again... It really killed me knowing I was the reason... Brooklyn got up and him and Rye left the room leaving me, Mikey, Jack and Harvey in the living room to talk about little things.

Brooklyn's POV

"What's wrong babe?" I asked as I entered Rye's room. I shut the door behind me. There was a cold breeze coming through the window. He sat down and started playing with his rings on his fingers. I could tell he was really nervous. "Brooklyn... Please don't hate me" He started as a few tears ran down his face. I started to get worried. "Brooklyn I-I am sorry. But we have to brake up. Its not you its me. I am a mess. I- a-am so-sorry." He took a deep breath as I few tears ran down my face. "I want you to be happy... And I see that you are happier when your with H-Harvey... Brooklyn I want you to be happy" He cried as more tears ran down both of are faces. "Rye... Please" I cried as I walked over to him. "Brooklyn I am doing this for you.. Please don't hate me.. I just want you to be happy" He finished as he rubbed some of his tears away from his eyes. "Rye I will never hate you." I cried as I felt my heart brake a bit. Then I left the room as I couldn't deal with it anymore. I loved Rye...

I ran into my room. I was about to shut the door when Harvey ran up to me and came into my room and hugged me tightly. "Rye broke up with me" I cried into his shoulder. I squeezed me tightly. I guess that Rye was right... I had been spending more time with Harvey He always made me smile even when I was upset like this. "Did he say why?" Harvey asked as he rubbed my back a little. "He said that he was a mess and said t-that he wants me to be happy" I said as I rubbed my eyes a little. "Look, we both know that Rye would never hurt you. Maybe he is just stressed at the moment. But I will be here for you forever and always" Harvey said as he gave me a big smile. Then I remembered that Andy was going out with Harvey. My heart broke even more which I didn't think was even possible. "Can I tell you something?" Harvey asked as he sat down on my bed. I sat next to him and looked at him in his amazing green eyes.

"Me and Andy aren't actually going out... We only said that because Mikey and Jack are going out and then you and Rye started going out." Harvey said with a sad face. I looked at him with a shocked face! Is he joking? "Brooklyn... I know that you have just broken up with Rye but I love you! I always have loved you! I understand if it's too soon bu-" I cut him off before he could say anything else. I kissed his lips they felt so good. He melted into the kiss. I didn't want it to end.

"Brooklyn" me and Harvey stopped immediately and looked at Rye who was just standing in the doorway. "Did I not really matter to you?" He asked. I was shocked! I was about to answer him when he walked away. "Rye!" I shouted but all I got back in response was the front door slamming shut...

"Whats going on?!" Andy asked as he ran into my room. I looked at him trying to find the write words to say. "Rye broke up with me... Then I ran into my room and Harvey came into see if I was okay. Then we kissed and Rye saw..." I muttered as I looked at Andy's sad and angry face. "Why?! Never mind I am going to go and find Rye. See you guys later " He said as he left the room.

Andy's POV

I already knew where Rye was. He always went to Starbucks when he was upset as he liked the smell of coffee. For some reason it calmed him down... As soon as I entered Starbucks I saw Rye standing in a long line waiting for something to drink. I quickly walked over to him and tapped him on the shoulder. He jumped a bit then looked at me. He looked so hurt and a bit broken. "Rye listen to me please! I love you and I don't want to lose you. Please give me another chance! Trust me Rye I would do anything for you. I have love you for a thousand years! Please let me make it up to you" I said as I looked into his eyes he looked a little bit worried. "Andy... I love you but are you sure you want to deal with me again. I am not as good as you might think, I just don't want to be hurt again" He muttered the last bit. I grabbed his hand and held it tightly. "Rye I promise you that I will never do something as stupid again." I said with a smile. He smiled back. "You should wear that smile more often it suits you" I said which made Rye blush.

"Rye I understand that you just broke up with Brooklyn so I won't try to make you love me until your ready" I said. He smiled then did something that I wasn't expecting. He kissed me on my cheek. "Thank you for not giving up on me" He muttered as we hugged each other tightly. "Rye I would never give up on you. I love you" I said as I kissed him on his lips. I will never make that mistake again.

Thank you for reading Xx I hope everyone has had a good day!

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